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Messages - Sonya the fox

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Minecraft / Re: Installing MystCraft
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:04:33 pm »
Modifying directions:
Step 0: you can't just update to 1.2.5 anymore.  If you don't already have a copy of the jar, I don't know what to say to help you, as is now 1.3.2

Step 1:
Obtain Minecraft Forge:
Obtain "Mystcraft Forge 152" from the Mystcraft site as normal.

Strp 2: apply to Forge and Mystcraft separately into their own folders

Step 4: Drop Forge in first, THEN Mystcraft

CC General Discussion / Re: Board Games?
« on: July 01, 2012, 07:19:28 am »
Thing with what I'm doing: there is absolutely no programming being done with the game itself.  All MapTool is is basically the kitchen table with a bunch of gamers sitting around it.  Pieces are pushed around manually and such...

CC General Discussion / Board Games?
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:45:10 pm »
I'm thinking about trying to do more with board games oddly enough, and since we're all scattered across the country I've dredged up MapTool ( ) to give us a common board to look at.  I've already gotten one or two set up to be compatable with it, ones that I've had a good time with at the kitchen table.  Not sure about 'when' to have a game night, so far it's just a whenever there's enough people in the xfire chat room that are interested.  I did just finish running a successful game of FRAG ( with three people playing, but there are other games I can pull out like PowerGrid, Doom (yes, it's a boardgame too), Dungeon Lords, and possibly even Dominion.  You can find out some more about them all on boardgamegeek.

Dungeon Overlord / Targets: Doomcore (15,5)
« on: April 30, 2012, 12:00:03 am »
LocationOwnerActivityDefenseLoot Status
6shamblismUnknownUnkownOnly has a gold and iron mine present.  Not that worthwhile to hit unless that's what you need.  I heard he had defenders at some point so he 'may' be active
16ShaerkhanNoneNone11 tile Crystal and 1600 cap gold, also a 30 tile farm that sometimes gets reaped.
22ShaerkhanNoneNoneStarter, mining all three nodes, output unknown, 3 tiles crystal and 11 tiles iron, vault caps out 2800 instead of 1600
23Jeff the UltimateNoneNoneAll resources and food, specifics unknown until new report generated, old one lost.
24The Death BookNoneNoneAll resources and food, specifics unknown until new report generated, old one lost.

Minecraft / Re: Nether raid
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:57:12 pm »
Okay, the biggest thing it seems is needed is enough obsidian to make new exits once the olds ones get lost.  I took a dive in on my SSP world and, well, iron armor and sword is sufficient to deal with the problems there, and that was without any enchantments.  My main problem was getting back to the overworld without knowing where the portal was and forgetting to drop any markers on the 'surface' once I'd crawled out of the caves.  I'd say a nether run is very doable as long as we don't go to any ledges, since ghasts don't make any shooty noises in SMP. :(

Minecraft / Nether raid
« on: March 22, 2012, 12:59:22 am »
Okay, I have tried to suggest it several times on the chat but can never manage to get one going, so I'm posting here that on Friday afternoon/evening/night I am going to go into the nether, setup a cobblestone shelter around the portal instead of a dirt one, then begin the hunt for a nether fortress at the same time as attempt to force-link some portals instead of all leading to one.  If I can get any support that needs a different time, I'll change the time, otherwise I'll just have to go on my own.  Been putting it off for a while now in hopes of going in with some kind of support.

Minecraft / Re: How to join the server
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:17:30 pm »
Step 3: Install IC2. Full instructions as well as a download link to everything you need can be found here. Please follow the directions carefully... it's very easy to not only screw it up, but end up needing to completely start over because you FUBARed it.

This step is no longer relevant, will be replaced with something else once mod(s) are selected and installed on the server again.

Minecraft / Re: What do people look for in this game, and mods?
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:14:47 pm »
Me, I'm all industrial. I prefer complex factories that take days to set up and build, that will dazzle a genius. Only my opinion though.

A fair number of the technology things are also 1.1 and not 1.2.3.

Minecraft / Re: IndustrialCraft, I need help.
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:34:54 am »
It's not

Minecraft / Re: What do people look for in this game, and mods?
« on: March 18, 2012, 04:07:09 pm »
Based on last night's conversation, it seems that these are currently on the table:
I think there were other mods proposed, most of which were SSP only, and there may have been another SMP mod but I can't remember it nor find the link in the chat logs.  Stupid logs don't have dates in them, only time of day. :(

Tinywarz / Bandit Fanatic loot from 3/16/2012
« on: March 16, 2012, 06:50:05 pm »
Ballistic   10
Energy   8
Shield   8
Armor   6
Eye   1
Tear   2
Rename PU   1

Participants: Trerro, Hihahaha, Sonya, Valsidor.

Off Topic / Re: Sanity Grater
« on: February 28, 2012, 02:45:46 pm »
Actually, one could theoretically just translate them straight, just need to have certain numbers handy is all.  It would make for an interesting thing, though commander things would be a questionable deal.  I can see one major difference in combat, or combat in general: no more "I ran out of time making orders", hopefully.  Just need a bunch of cards representing commands, some kind of a slider for cooldowns on the ones that have them....Oh wow, this is sick, and doable.

Off Topic / Sanity Grater
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:05:25 pm »
Okay, there was mention again of frizz giving up on the game and people wanting the source code.  Old news.  What's grating to the sanity is first me trying to process how it could be done myself, then there was the scary thought of tinywarz: tabletop edition

TW Guides / Re: RewardGamer: Caution
« on: February 25, 2012, 11:12:45 am »
If RewardGamer has a thing for Netflix and you don't already have an account, you may find it rewarding to take up Netflix on the free trial, possibly even pay a month after before cancelling to ensure 'you had interest in the offer and was not just taking advantage of them', and reap massive value.  When I played Mabinogi I pulled like $10 worth of Nexon cash in by getting my trial through them instead of straight from netflix itself.  It is safe, 'free', and you get to watch stuff while your 1speed army spends forever getting into position.

Chaos Cluster / Re: Subfac
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:50:21 am »
On a different note than the name, I was thinking more along the lines of logistics, such as resource management, who goes where, standards to be held in the training fac and 'graduation' requirements, also Faction Points, where to focus them... Also, why?  Perhaps a slightly better recruitment strategy than 'everyone is invited instantly the moment they see the openning screen'?  Just some thoughts, I don't want us to get neck deep into something and realize it's not a good idea, I want us to be dead sure before burning 250tbs and whatever other resources/time/effort on a training faction.

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