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Messages - Sonya the fox

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Thread Games / Re: Round Robin Story
« on: June 01, 2013, 02:32:12 am »
The figure in the dark folds its ears back in annoyance at the development.  From observation, the two outside the wall will either be allowed in or locked out....and the latter can't happen.

The figure summons two of its subordinates to it and has them take aim at the pair outside the wall, giving orders to 'not' hit them, but seem like they're trying.

"This should get their attention."

Thread Games / Re: Round Robin Story
« on: May 27, 2013, 03:27:49 am »
A shadow in the darkness of the trees watches the fortification, watches the male step into the light, barely suppressing devious laughter, "Yes, that's right, return to your friends, help me conquer your precious home.  Go and sew the seeds for me."

Another figure approaches the first in the darkness and drops to one knee immediately on arrival, "My lord, preparations are almost complete, it won't be long now before your plans can be carried out."

The first shadow, the Lord, turns and smiles, putting one clawed hand on the kneeling one's head and patting it, "Excellent work.  Go and see to it that no mistakes are made, I want this to be perfect."

"Yes my lord."  The second figure rises and disappears amidst the trees, allowing the first to resume watching the tower, grinning in anticipation for coming events, "Soon, yet too long.  Must remain patient."

Minecraft / Re: How to join the server
« on: May 23, 2013, 02:25:01 pm »

This is because the mods are still being updated some, and if you use a newer version than the server you will not be able to connect.  Inside this rar is a copy of all three mods and the most recent forge as of the time of creation.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:13:26 pm »
He is EST too.  I'd say you should be able to check his profile to see his time zone but he appears to have not set it.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: April 08, 2013, 05:39:52 am »
I've made plans with a vulpine sorc, but I can adjust if necessary (my general non-caster pref is rogue, particularly in the category of sneaking around and salvaging anything mechanical).

Any time is good for me except for Thursdays 6-9:30 PM and Sundays noon-7 PM (All EST) because of weekly things I attend (give or take a little to allow for 'nothing goes as planned')

I am in full agreement with Sam as things are at the time of writing this post.  I do want to prod at one thing: the PvP setting.  I believe everyone is in full agreement that we do not want 'open PvP', but there are a couple of other uses for the flag: friendly fire in caves (would certainly make things more...interesting.)  and the option to, if anyone so desired, an arena that I'm considering building still, especially since Never Enough Items will give me the ability to make mob spawners of different kinds (I'll limit the usage of such things, gonna be interesting to make them work with it as is.

As for the autominers: I am in agreement that the BC Quarry is not a pretty toy, the IC2 Miner is as Sam said the least destructive, and it also has the ability to while pulling out of the ground to fill in the vertical drop to bedrock that it dug.  My planet eater is, as it was last used, drilling a 16 wide by 6 tall tunnel, but I do not really want to leave such an unsightly hole in the world and so will probably not use it, not as a mining machine.  I'm not about to try and have any components to it banned for they all have so many uses, and the original version of the thing, the Basher Lemming, was only 3x4 and whose purpose was to make tunnels, not collect resources, which would be quite useful if Sam did something like a subway with his rails.

Regarding the paintings mod: never heard of it.

World seed:  The seed will 'almost' recreate the world as we know it, but because of the version change some inconsistancies will occur.  This is also why the spawn is out in the ocean, which it will not be once this is all done.  There are plenty of places that are snow ice and water, one must merely be a little further out, sorry that we all started in a frozen wasteland and grew from there, I actually kinda like my lakes of lava and ice right next to eachother.
If we use the Nether Ores mod out of Tekkit, me and you (Sam) are gonna have to go in there and mark out where we need to shelter from the repopulation of ores, just one of those getting into my lava lair will probably shatter a hefty chunk of it.

Dimensional Anchor: Hmm..why to use it...well, one idea would be to have a big subdivided farm and a communal machine shop all within a 9 chunk area, then they could stay on allll the time.  Perhaps establish a linear/circular subway route and have the anchor on one of the carts that would be in the train (yes we can link carts together, see RailCraft in the tekkit wiki).  That would enable one train going around to all of the stops on a semi-regular timing.  These are not "Hey let's do this right away!", these are ideas of what they could be used for as opposed to just being junk whose only purpose is to destabalize the server.

1. Ban list: Which features shouldn't be used, or shouldn't be used for specific purposes?
I need to read through the mod list, and will post what I think should go and why later tonight or tomorrow.
I still have to delve through the lists of stuff myself, but I'm thinking now that whatever people do on their own land is whatever, as long as it doesn't involve dropping a nuke... A Quantum Helmet has a utility task, for example, like setting up tall water towers without drowning early and often, from the inside.  We will still need a list of things that shouldn't be brought on group runs, and of course groups can establish their own rules.
Of note are the very high tier tools and armor in Equivalent Exchange (dark matter, red matter, gem armor), the various Power Items of that mod, and the Quantum Armor set in IC2.
2. Are we:
A. Attempting to preserve our world and seed as much as possible.
B. Preserving structures (and possible a couple of full chunks) on request, but getting a new seed.
C. Giving people who had stuff up starting resources, but otherwise starting over.
or D. Something else entirely.
My suggestion: B or C, starting biome that's not too hard to navigate and isn't arctic or desert.
Thanks to the efforts of Samhayne's testing, we may be able to refresh the resources of the world, including mod resources, without nuking every structure in the map.  I'll let him talk about it more, I still haven't gotten around to downloading the program involved to play with it myself.
3. Are we adding any additional mods?
Carole suggested MoCreatures, which I'd also like to see, assuming it's compatible of course, and I think that would help add both stuff to do with raising creatures, and some form of extra adventure with the new monsters.
That's the only one I can think of, the overwhelming majority of mods are not tech-compatible.
If it's compatable I'm all for having a greater variety of things to beat to death with a blunt rock.
4. Are we changing anything, such as the difficulty, PvP flag, semi-private server status, or other basic status?
Personally I'd say no.
Medium difficulty seems about right.  PvP flag being on would force a little more care in the friendly fire catagory, but isn't necessary.  We haven't had any real desire TO PvP amongst the players, so it's not like we'll be going through a controversial thing here.  It would actually allow for a Colosseum to be constructed, and with modified mob spawners we could even stage fights vs mobs rather than just PvP.  I think we're okay as far as 'server privacy' goes so far, we haven't had any problems yet and the ones we've had were a quick ban and done with it.
5. Is there anything we need to discuss that isn't covered by the 4 points above? Everything is open to discussion, so bring up *anything* you want to.
I personally can't think of anything not covered by the above 4.
There are a few things that need to be discussed and such with the mods, particularly the Dimensional Anchor and anything related to it.  These anchors will force a specified range of chunks to remain loaded and running, even when NOONE is around or even online.  First of all: can we handle this at all?  Second, how many chunks can we afford to have perma loaded at the same time?  Third: how do we allot this number?  Do we do it as a communal pool?  X per person?  Some combination?
There was something else, but I can't think of it right now, so I'm gonna leave this as is and make edits/posts when I can recall it.

EDIT:  For anyone who dislikes (or worse) the autominers and anything gained by them, you'll be happy to know I'm going to be frying a fair bit of the resources gained by it, partially because of the world used to gain them.

As long as we're on a fair sized island, minimum, for land available we should be okay.  On both worlds that I've played it on we did some exploring for an MC day or two before finally settling (on my SSP world I actually spent closer to a week).  Having access to water is actually extremely useful for two reasons: panning/sluices for ore, and fish.  Without fish we will tax the wildlife to local extinction and eventually starve ourselves as we don't know how to make the farming work, if it is at all functional.

As for difficulty, since we'll be on a server I'd say Medium, as then we stand a chance of recovering from starving and spiders won't outright kill us, just mortally wound for the skeleton behind the tree.  Hard 'can' be played, but on SSP where you can reliably fight things in melee combat.

Side note: we don't really need any other mods with this, unless you really want some kind of extra creatures to come and abuse us in the night.

Minecraft / Re: A server nuking
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:56:35 am »
Okay, I have three votes in favor of 1 and 3, and of possibly attempting to nuke the world and pasting things over to effectively 'refresh the world' and get all the ores in the ground all over the place and not just out in the middle of nowhere far from home.  And I have no other votes or anything, so as far as I can tell the compromise is working.  I'm shocked at there not even being half as many voters as there were people in the debate and stuff, and this was something that nearly caused fights!

Minecraft / Re: A server nuking
« on: October 12, 2012, 06:55:02 pm »
Quickie towards Sam: I believe that if it's necessary we can transpose entire chunks to get those mountains back, I haven't taken a closer look but I believe that the seams line up with the surrounding chunks (old and new) so it 'should' work, theoretically...
As for the railline, if that becomes too great to restore for some reason, I'll bring my monster up from the deep and refurbish it as a builder/tunneler to drive through and lay down new track for you.  It'll atleast take out the tedius not so fun part of digging all of those holes again, and can be programmed to put down a new tunnel as well.  The redstore can then be pasted over on its own, unless you'd rather rework it using the new mods.  Just my two cents worth on that.

Minecraft / Re: A server nuking
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:14:10 am »
After much debating (and possible lack thereof) between myself, Lomaz, Dakon, Trerro, and Skeeter, with Sam and Carole's input kept on mind, some ideas have been decided upon and are now here for voting.

We have decided that we are going to setup multiple worlds.  The thing that pushed this was some of us wanting to use TFCraft as something we can do for fun (ultimate survival in the stone age),  It would of course be done on a brand new world and would also force us to cooperate a lot, too. 
With multiple worlds we'd have the ability to swap between them, but only by stopping the server and starting it back up with it pointed at another world.  We can only have one 'active' at a time, but we could do things like scenarios and events with this.  What those are are to be determined later and only happen if there is interest in them when they are announced.

World suggestions:
TFCraft (MC 1.3.2)
Tekkit + McMMO

Personally I'm for 1 and 3 on that list.

Another issue is the ban list.  This has been an issue from the moment we even discussed IC2 back when it didn't have the 2.  There are quite a few items in Tekkit that could possibly be considered to be overpowered, and now is your chance to voice your opinion on that by coming up with a list of things that you feel would be something noone should be allowed to have.  Quantum Armor and Nano Sabres from IC2 and the Gem Armor from Equivalent Exchange are ones that I believe head this list, but we will leave it for the community to decide and not just one or two of us saying 'it should be THIS way'.  The mods involved can be found here:  Note that MAtmos is being disabled as a whole, anyone with flying castles or sky towers will having howling winds all day and night, just ask Dakon.

One more issue is the debate about world nuking.  IF, and I emphasize the IF, IF we nuked the world, why should we do it and how should we do it?  My suggestion if we do do a nuking would be to preserve a all or atleast a large portion of players' resources and restore the structures with an editor, along with reusing the same seed so that said structures can be put back where they are.  Purpose of this nuking I laid out would be to refresh the world's resources and ensure that the resources given by mods are fit in 'everywhere' and not just out in east hell and gone.  This applies to the Nether too if we impliment Nether Ores (Tekkit).  If this is deemed to be too much work then we can just establish rail lines (courtesy of the rail baron Sammhayne i'm sure) to beyond explored territories to gain access to the new stuff just the same.

Minecraft / Re: A server nuking
« on: October 07, 2012, 01:51:02 am »
1. I don't think it's gotten more stable, just less active. Nothng's been actually changed. I'm tabbed out automining, and Dak pretty much quit, so it's usually just Sonya playing actively... I count as maybe 1/10th of a player right now. I'm not going to claim we've ever had a perfectly stable server (even Vanilla has bugs), but I can say with pretty good certainty that this is the least stable server we've run, and most of CC quit a server that crashed less than half as often.
Sam and his friend Carole still play on the server too, I believe.  I'll want to get them in on this too.

3. ...In the event that one actually occurred though, if even 1 person in the group uses them, all must, as your choice is be a demigod or baggage at that point. The inability to enchant them is actually meaningless - how would you further upgrade an instant kill or total immunity to all damage, and how can any regular gear, even with a perfect enchant roll, even begin to compete with that?
In order for this to become an issue someone has to be willing to craft and use such god-mode technology, which I think the closest we've come to that is me crafting three of the pieces of nano armor (rechargable armor basically, it's still just armor), and the biggest piece of it, the torso, can't be used without limiting tool power or not wearing the thing that saves me when I decide to miss the turn and fall into a ravine.

MCMMO does look like a fun mod. Probably not the only we'd want to run, but also something that should have very few conflicts with others.

Also, so far the only target of debate has been IndustrialCraft2.  What about RedPower and BuildCraft?  What about Mystcrat?  I haven't heard anything for or against those yet, is IC2 the only issue?

Most of BC is fine, it's just the autominers... but then there's the question of what else is it getting used for. I like the project table, but... not really something I'd put a mod in just for. Maybe the pipes with circuits, but... again, not huge.

RP I'm not actually sure about. Does your autominer use it exclusively, or it does it depend on IC stuff as well to function? I also don't know what gem rates look like normally. Some of the other stuff it can do is pretty interesting.
Project tables are in RP, not BC.
The pipes I would prefer from RP than BC as BC revolves around the RNG and spitting out anything that doesn't fit, RP is smart about where it sends stuff and has the ability to allow for unknown elements.
The autominer I have built is purely reliant on RP, the refinery I attached to it saves me the trouble of processing ores in the machine shop by having the machine shop in-line with the mining head's output.  Said machines are all IC2 and would be replaced with furnaces and a vastly different refinery setup to allow for fuel burning instead of electricity in the event that IC2 were unavailable.
On the subject of gem rates, they seem to be lower than diamonds, but that's only at the level I've been mining (y=8-13), not sure if they're more common higher up.  Seems to be sapphires>emeralds>rubies for most common of the three.
Oh, and RP is where you can get a bunch of your redstone logic gates condensed into 1 small block which can be placed on the walls or ceiling along with the wires to carry your redstone signals in tight spaces further to places thought unreachable.

EDIT: forgot to mention this, but I also have a world set aside (using the mystcraft mod) that is fairly normal and has a village near the entry point that I was going to place a hard rule on no high tech gadgetry or even medium would be allowed in (redstone being an exception as it is fairly low tech and vanilla too).  I've already crafted the portal into and out of the world into a well, and it's just over the hill from the village, thinking about putting some kind of structure around it.

We'd essentially be quarantined off from the real world.  That's fine for something that's intended to be a quick thing (like a platformer level or something), or some kind of themed side world, but this essentially makes MC itself a minor side attraction to hit when bored with being a demigod.
There would not be anything that stops us from going back and forth, I'd just restrict no high tech into there.  Think about going into the past, would you want to have any technology with you or would you try to stay at the same level as where you were going?  That's sortof where I was going with this, though minus the part about time travel.  Yes I have other plans for the platformers and such, just glance at the chaos in Age 79 (the playground), and using some of the later stuff in MC such as script blocks or a possible feature on Mystcraft's books to change a user's gamemode when using certain books you can create levels and such that go from one to another with the option to back out most any time to go back to normal survival.  Can you say Guantlet, Mario, Metroid, some other stuff inspired levels?
Also, this demigod stuff seems to still be centered around unused pieces of technology (armor and sabre), and possibly the matter generator.  Okay, we can ban the matter generator too, that would get rid of the eternal resources you don't even have to leave your home or move a miner for, but can the unusued pieces of demigod gear be left out?  And what about the improved farming (agriculture) that IC2 provides?  Has that been looked at yet?

(okay, starting to fly off in random directions, 'finishing' this post now)

Minecraft / Re: A server nuking
« on: October 06, 2012, 06:47:14 am »
Hello all, have not been around much partly due to school/work, partly due to IC.  i have been playing a bit on a classmate's server and i think the mod he has running is fun, simple, addicting, and not broken at all.  combined with something simple or no other mods at all it works out fantastically.  the reasons for my not wanting to join CC MC are:

1. too unstable; seems everything you do can and will break the server with combos that we've got running
2. no fun; if i join now i'd take two days just to build my first diamond tool while people have auto mines that can pull in hundreds of diamonds a day.  how can i have fun with that?
3. broken gameplay; as much as i'd loby to be able to kill everything in 1 hit, never take damage, and have unlimited resources, this is survival mode, not freeplay mode.

1) It seems to be more stable lately, and if anything it is related to the Mystcraft Books.  We'd have to find a way to get everyone's stuff out of those other worlds before we even considered ditching that if we didn't start a new world, and I'm not sure how much people want to do that either.
2) Dude, if you just ASK for something, someone can probably get you setup with a decent start.  I've got enough that I don't care if I give you some stuff with no hope of getting it back later.  Also, yes we have autominers, we also had to WORK to get there, had to go out and harvest resources by paw in the first place to get the machines that could do that.  Believe me, autominers were not top of the list, the one in question that I have (aka the basher lemming, planet eater, the monster) had to be assembled carefully and was a work of art when I managed to cram it all together into a tight space, it was not place a block and walk away.  That's just me, I'm pretty sure the Quarry Tre uses requires careful setup or a rather LARGE powerplant to operate.
3) Nano sabres and quantum armor, the godmode items you fear so much, are unused on the server.  Nano is just diamond on batteries, oh and the IC2 weapons and armor 'cannot be enchanted'.  The unlimited resources has two points, matter generator (okay yes I built for this) and additional worlds via mystcraft (face it, you can get just as much by travelling further out, the MC world is practically unlimited as it stands without Myst).  As for survival/freeplay: this server is both.  If we want we can very much so go down into the caves with a sword and pick, or close enough, and go mining by paw.  Mystcraft actually gives us places to go to do things like constructing massive elaborate creations without risking bumping into someone else's creation (i have a mystcraft world devoted to such pursuits, maybe you should drop by sometime and check it out)

my proposal: we strip the server from all mods back down to vanilla and try a mod i've been playing called McMMO, wich is designed to add a RPG feel to the game, with char improving, skills, and, challanges.  some interesting things you can do in this mod:

1. upgrade your mining skill to get better yeild from mining as well as an instent mine active skill with a 300s cooldown
2. repair your gear quicky and easily using the resources it generally takes to make the item, level up your repair abilities to be able to repair better quality/enchanted items
3. kill more using spasific weapons to unlock passives on those weapons like +crit on axes, and +chance of bleed on swords.

1) Okay, more yield, after 'how' much mining?
2) Only holds water with enchanted repairs, but after enough work doesn't this basically mean you spend precious few resources to keep that super diamond pick going?  Isn't that, oh say, almost as bad as the rechargable but non-enchantable mining drill?
3) Okay, so we can after a while 'still' insta-kill using axes or two-hit them, whereas right now we two or three hit things when using the best weapon (that isn't the nano-sabre).
There are many other aspects of this mod, but none of wich are broken at all, or totally alter the game in the way that IC does.  the link for the wiki is if anyone wants to take a look at what it's all about.

the way i see it, our server is at a point where joining up is not fun, and actively playing when established is not only near impossable but also just as pointless.  the point of minecraft is to build houses, explore mines, find rare awesome things, and have fun with friends, and all that is so much more awesome without IC..  
"Point of MC is to build houses, explore mines, find rare awesome things, and have fun with friends".  Okay, we're building houses, exploring mines when we aren't making our own, what rare awesome things are there to find in the game anymore, and aren't we having fun when we do get together?  I tried to give Leeroy a hand, he preferred to shoot off on his own without anyone else first.  Samm is on a different scheduale than us (read that not nocturnal)...
What does everyone think? i mean, i'd loby to be able to play with CC again, but as it stands i really just can't



I am not prepared to, yet again, pick up and move to another world.  I have made this move atleast 4 times before because of updates, and anyone who plays on the server has creations they've placed that would have to be abandoned or re-constructed (and I'm not talking about my planet eater) on top of non-automined resources that have been dug up by paw.

Add on: after some discussion in the chat, a few other points were raised
Tools: Have a limited number of uses before they have to be recharged.  The drill is slightly faster than an iron pick and lasts 200 blocks on a full battery.  The diamond tipped one is faster than a diamond pick but only lasts for 120 blocks on a full battery.  Chainsaws, okay, those last for a little while, since you won't use them nearly as much.  Recharging methods: carry around batteries, which clog up your inventory (charged can't stack, uncharged stack to 16) and only hold as much as a tool (so one full charge), wear around a Batpack (energy backpack that holds the same as and is crafted from 6 batteries) or the upgraded version (30 batteries and is made with lots of lapis lazuli and a batpack) both of which prevent the use of your biggest piece of armor, or carry around a generator or an energy storage block and some crystals (also needs a wrench to collect these machines and to get 100% you need an electric wrench that is set to use like 3/4 of a battery per shot).  Mining lasers have a drop rate problem (think about TNT) in that they lose 10-20% of the blocks they break if I'm getting the number right, I haven't seen a hard fast one yet, and also like to make swiss cheese of your area if you use the wrong settings.  Also requires a storage unit to recharge.
Armor: bronze armor is resource intensive on new ores and is somewhere between iron and diamond.  Composite body armor seems designed to be anti-creeper.  Nano is a rechargable diamond armor, also doesn't last near as long as diamond armor on a given charge.  Quantum is pretty much overpowered once you have it and also pretty much unused on this server.  Both forms of energy armor need a large storage device to recharge with.
Weapons: chainsaw is your really good sword on a battery that will last for a while.  Nano Sabres are incredibly damaging and also unused on this server, also needs to be constantly turned on and off or it will drain out of power rapidly.  Mining Lasers  lose damage over distance and if you miss you're going to leave some deep gouges in your caves, or worse  your home if used near it.  Also requires recharging.

Also, so far the only target of debate has been IndustrialCraft2.  What about RedPower and BuildCraft?  What about Mystcrat?  I haven't heard anything for or against those yet, is IC2 the only issue?

EDIT: forgot to mention this, but I also have a world set aside (using the mystcraft mod) that is fairly normal and has a village near the entry point that I was going to place a hard rule on no high tech gadgetry or even medium would be allowed in (redstone being an exception as it is fairly low tech and vanilla too).  I've already crafted the portal into and out of the world into a well, and it's just over the hill from the village, thinking about putting some kind of structure around it.

PS. my opinion is subject to change, but as of 2:50AM EST 10/6/2012 I am against the nuking of the server as it stands.

Dungeons & Dragons Online / Re: So, who wants to play?
« on: September 25, 2012, 07:28:33 pm »
Yip yip!  Cannith mostly, I have some other characters scattered across the worlds, mainly a support rogue on Argo (can heal, disarm traps blindfolded, repair, cure just about anything except stupidity...), though my pure healer cleric is on Cannith (lvl 20 with 0 damage output).

Minecraft / Updates
« on: August 21, 2012, 05:14:28 pm »
Mystcraft has been updated to " Forge 152", meaning you not only need an update, you now require Minecraft Forge, which also gives us more mod compatability than we had before.  After some trials and tribbleations we were able to bring the many ages people have settled in back into circulation, once again accessable as normal.  All books and portals are functioning normally, and if you have 72 diamonds and 9 gold to throw around you can make your own link modifier to make some adjustments to the behaviours of your linkbooks.  I will have one available for public use tonight when I arise from slumber, all I ask is a tiny donation of diamonds the first time you utilize it to help offset the cost to me.

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