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Author Topic: [October '12 Discussion and Vote] Please read this one first  (Read 11232 times)


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[October '12 Discussion and Vote] Please read this one first
« on: October 19, 2012, 10:33:20 pm »
In that thread (and XFire chat, and various other places), we decided on a rotational server system, then voted on possible configurations, with everyone also able to suggest their own. 2 of these choices were overwhelmingly favored with zero objections, so we will be starting the rotation with these. Note for people just joining this discussion: The original vote in that thread was ignored as a result of later discussion. The actual vote starts on reply #9, and all of the posts after that are votes.

We have also mentioned the possibility of event servers, which are useful both for the sort of thing that's a lot of fun but doesn't hold up longterm, to test a config out without actually committing it to the rotation, or of course, to actually run event games and such. :) IMO, we should delay any discussion on these until November, so we can get our permanent servers up ASAP and get rolling again. If anyone disagrees with this, please say so here. I'm eager to run these, but want to make sure our main servers are up first.

There are three final steps for these two servers.
#1. We need to discuss things like ban lists, additional mods, difficulty setting, whether to wipe/partial wipe/preserve for the tech one, etc.
Here are the threads for this:
Tekkit + McMMO:
Everyone who was in the previous discussion thread should make at least one post in each of these threads, to ensure that everyone has their chance to speak. (Edit: and of course any other CCer that wants to as well - we just aren't currently expecting any others to, and thus won't wait on their posts if they don't join by the time the people from the previous discussion are done with this one.) Once this has happened, we should finish all discussions (using both forums and XFire as needed), then move on to step 2. In the event of a controversial discussion from XFire moving into the thread, please post logs so people know what has and hasn't already been said - the chances that ALL of us were in the room for it are basically nil.

#2. We need to do a line-item vote of everything that has been proposed or debated, with the exception of things that have unanimous support in the discussion. (Let's call unanimous support "at least 3 people supported the idea, and no one had any objections whatsoever".) The results of this will get us our initial settings, which we will then use to make the servers. That doesn't mean we have to keep said settings forever, especially as new versions of MC, new mods, etc, open new options, but the idea is that whatever we do, it's both democratic and aimed at leaving no one out whenever possible.

#3. We'll set up the servers and test them for stability. If everything works, great. If there's conflicts, we'll figure out the options for what needs to go, then hold one last vote to see what's being kept and what isn't. Hopefully, both will simply work and that will be that, but if not, stability is critical. Remember that if we do have to dump something a lot of people wanted, there's always the option to get the dropped stuff into the rotation as a 3rd server.

Please try to check these forums at least daily when possible. The quicker we get this done, the quicker we're back in action. :)
« Last Edit: October 20, 2012, 07:10:17 am by Trerro »
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
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