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Author Topic: The what would you do game.  (Read 105771 times)


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The what would you do game.
« on: October 11, 2009, 09:17:26 pm »
How it works:
1. Read the last posted scenario.
2. Describe what you would do in response.
3. Post a scenario of your own.
4. Do not post twice in a row.

First scenario:
You just became completely immortal - you cannot die, and even if your body is utterly destroyed, it will reform seconds later. However, this will last for only 1 day, after which you'll return to normal.
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 01:25:43 pm »
I'd Wrestle with a bear all day long. Maybe even jump into the grand canyon for kicks.

a shamman has, supposedly, awarded you the ability to pick your next life and in return you must sacrifice yourself to his "God" (kill yourself). would you do it and what would you be?
i havent had a sig in ages


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #2 on: October 13, 2009, 08:01:40 am »
a shamman has, supposedly, awarded you the ability to pick your next life and in return you must sacrifice yourself to his "God" (kill yourself).
There's way too many ifs here.
First and foremost, there's no proof whatsoever that he actually has this ability, and isn't simply a)nuts, or b)a fraud. That alone is more than enough to make me reject the offer - and yet it's actually the smallest risk!
He doesn't merely say that I lose my previous body, but that I "sacrifice it to his 'God'". Having no clue what kind of being this is, there's no way I'd do it.
Am I empowering some unseen evil force? Am I enslaving myself? Am I risking my soul? There's simply too many risks here, and they're all enormous ones that go far beyond merely losing this body. Those kind of risks are never justified.
Last but not least, there's also the question of how exactly this new body works. Do I simply lose my old one and become a new adult with full memories of this life, or is it I like I died and reincarnated, where it may be possible to recall some memories at a later age, but I'm basically discarding this life completely? There's quite a difference there, in terms of what's lost, who besides me is affected, and my chances of surviving more than a few weeks in new form are.
would you do it
When risks include "eternal enslavement to lobycraft-esque deities", "sudden loss of all memories", "soul loss", "corruption on a spiritual level", as well as "just plain dying because the guy is a fraud", along with "everything actually goes fine, but you get gunned down 2 days into your next life", I wouldn't even consider it.
what would you be?
Well, unchanged since I'd never agree under this set of circumstances... but given a scenario I would accept... *points to second line of sig*

This might be an interesting one to run with the same type of scenario, but where it's guaranteed to work, and exactly what the cost and side effects are is unquestionable. As it stands, I don't think anyone would accept.
Your house is on fire, but everyone who lives there (pets included) have already escaped. You have time to make 3 trips in, taking whatever you can carry out with you. Everything else will likely be lost. What do you take and why?
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2009, 04:44:27 am »
What would I run into a burning building to rescue? NOTHING! I pay for insurance for this specific case so I'm not worried about losing my furniture, everything on my computer is backed up off-site, and important pictures/videos are also backed up off-site... no need to risk my life to save replicable possessions!

What would you do if you realized that Trerro actually wrote a one sentence answer to a question? ;)


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #4 on: October 14, 2009, 05:48:23 am »
i'd send him a message to make sure he was feeling alright. i might even read one of his posts from start to finish for once :)

a man knocks on your door in the middle of the night seemingly "on something" (a downer, not an upper) asking for help.
(for oars or galeesa... make it a black man... i don't think that matters to others :p )
i havent had a sig in ages


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #5 on: October 14, 2009, 02:06:27 pm »
I'd help him, unless he was Green... don't care about the guy being any other color, but I draw the line at green  :P

What would you do if you went to one of the most diverse schools in the country, but Aamer still tries to insinuate that you're a racist?


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #6 on: October 14, 2009, 05:01:19 pm »
I would tell his tanned arab ass to go f...

I mean I wouldn't really care as I have nothing to hide being the tolerant person that I am :P

What would you do if Bill Gates decided to use his entire capital to buy up every single boxers/underwear making company and burn it to the ground along with all of the products. Would you go solo or revert to the still plenty available thongs?


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #7 on: October 14, 2009, 05:17:49 pm »
Neither, I would recognize the enormous vacuum created by such an event, get filthy rich being the only provider of men's underwear, launch a hostile takeover of Microsoft, then burn IT to the ground!

What would you do if Belgium became a superpower?

Zippy the Warsquirrel

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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2009, 09:21:14 pm »
Conquer it. It's a perfectly sized nation for a squirrelly invasion.

What would you do if men from Falsa showed up at your door?
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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2009, 03:58:17 am »
Hope they don't crash my server

You come back to a group of friends after quite some time away, only to discover that nothing has changed. Do you A Tell them discretely that you're trying to start over with a fresh slate and hope for the best, because you really had some great times with everyone, despite some mutual misunderstandings that really got in the way, or B Realize it's a lost hope and move on with your life?


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2009, 04:29:19 am »
*slaps oars* You girl, get over it!

Scenario: You try to go to the RA one day, only to find it's offline. Do you try to find someone on Facebook who may know where it is, or do yo google rising alliance?


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2009, 06:43:26 am »
I'd probably Google it, but yeah, I just realized when this site was launched a couple of days ago that was never updated so send people here even though our first site at was launched in early '08. :P

I updated both the homepage and the forum index page, so anyone who pulls up the old site actually finds us now. Sorry for the confusion, and welcome back. :)

You've been turned into a house cat, but retain your full intellect (but NOT the ability to speak), and will return to normal in 48 hours. What do you do?

Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2009, 04:41:41 pm »
I try not to lick the behinds of any other cats/including my own. I might jump off a tall building to see if I land on my paws... maybe pick on some smaller animals!

What would you do, if Tyred proposed to Trerro and they sent you a wedding invitation?


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2009, 05:17:47 pm »
i'd screw tyred's wife because he's be looking ot make him mad..

you've been given the ability to fly but only when people aren't watching.
i havent had a sig in ages


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Re: The what would you do game.
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2009, 07:16:03 pm »
I'd wear all black so it's nearly impossible to see me against the night sky. I'm pretty much nocturnal anyway, so that's not actually a huge restriction.

A package arrives in the mail. You open it and find a weird crystal inside. You pick it up and it glows for a second, then breaks. 3 days later, you walk outside and see a 12' tall golem made purely out of steel standing there. It looks at you and says, "your orders, master?"
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin