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Author Topic: Endless Tower Parties  (Read 16641 times)


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Endless Tower Parties
« on: July 12, 2010, 12:30:08 pm »
We go every Saturday at 10:30AM PST, unless I have plans (which I might on the 17th).

Below is some information on the tower:

10:30AM PST is when we usually START the run if there is one, so either gear up the night before or log on at 10AM to get ready, and then head down to Alberta.

We save in BL Alberta town, or the inn.

There is no level requirement to participate in this event, although 70+ is encouraged. 89-99 will allow for a share party. No more than 12 participants are allowed. While we do need certain classes (like at least two high priests), we won't turn people away because their class won't be "helpful".

Please bring life insurance if you don't want to lose experience, because there will be deaths. It is 10k zeny to enter the tower. I can provide that if necessary.

I doubt we'll have the required classes to tackle the upper levels, so I don't expect this to last the entire four hours, most likely just 1-3.

You may join the party at any time as long as there is space available, and if you somehow respawn in town, you are able to re-enter the tower as long as you pay the 10k fee again.

Zeddy and I are usually on a minstrel, high priest, and a high wizard unless someone else will play HP so I can play gypsy for GK. If you would like to organize a second run for later in the day (since y'all are allergic to sunshine!), I would be up for that. Depending on if Zed comes too, we could bring 1-2 of the following classes: Champ, Scholar, Lord Knight, Pally, HP, Gypsy. We also have a second stringer, but he is a baby, and therefore squarshy XD

Hope to see you there when we go:3


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2010, 12:33:10 pm »
Also! We pick up items. Any gears, weapons, elu, ori, or cards are all given to me (usually through Freddie Mercury). I make a list of everyone who attended the event, and list of the items dropped. I then sell all the items and equally distribute money among all who attended.


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2010, 06:29:27 am »
I'm very rarely on that early, but I'll definitely hop in if I am.
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2010, 06:51:36 am »
Hello miss Dokey! OoC'r's seem to have a big problem with being night owls, as myself, Chris, and Famed (whos name has slipped my mind) i work form 2pm to midnight every day, so i generally have RO time after work, then sleep in in the morning, if you want to try on an alt we can maybe get an alt party together? your main choices for me are my 99 HP, or 99 tank/edp/MvP sinx, so if you get a party going late night im here!!!


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2010, 08:53:29 pm »
Oh im very in for this =) thanks to lomaz/Ian. I have a 99sd sin x and a 94 wizzy non trans so it would be 8ish for me i think. ill try to be perky sat mornings as i like to rampage stuff

It's my luck,i got called in for tommrow  :( ill be whacking bushes while you all whack mob's. so try to get a afternoon run going and ill pile along. Ill post if anything changes
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 09:22:37 pm by The_Black_Assalant »
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2010, 05:37:40 am »
i had an incredablly busy night, just got off work at 1am, going to kick back, head to bed around six, get up for work around 1pm, so i wont be able to join, sowwy!


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2010, 12:30:09 pm »
7:30 and no call back yet,might have changed there mind about today. im sitting there on Lord Bo0m,if i respond im going if not good luck on the run

edit:they just called  >:( nothing timely i swear LOL oh well maybe next week
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 01:12:04 pm by The_Black_Assalant »
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Endless Tower Parties
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2010, 02:08:17 am »
No worries, we do this EVERY Saturday morning, and sometimes evenings after WoE on different characters. Usually I have to be present or things don't happen, because nobody else has the mind to organize so many people XD

This past weekend we didn't do ET because I went to a festival with family and both left early and came home late (and exhausted after getting stuck in the mud for 45 minutes while clam-hunting).

Please feel free to host some events yourself at times that would be more convenient for y'all, and maybe do some posting on the FP forums about 'em. Quests, ET, Sealed Shrine, Bingo, DG, New World, or even Magma XD I would really like us to spend more time together as an alliance than we're currently doing :3