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Ragnarok Online 2 / seaRO2 Closing Down
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 07, 2014, 07:36:01 pm »
And it was decided that they would allow their players to transfer to iRO2. However, it's a long-known issue that a lot of duping and exploits have occurred on their server, inflating their economy to be just as bad as iRO1.

Threads popped up on WarpPortal discussing on how to handle the situation became heated when seaRO2 players objected to having their "hard-earned" items and inflated zeny be restricted.

And now WarpPortal has made the decision to allow seaRO2 players to carry over 1 million zeny PER ACCOUNT.

Way to kill off the more balanced iRO2 economy and make it harder for newer players to break in.
Other Games / Re: Guild Wars 2
« Last post by Trerro on October 03, 2014, 02:28:13 pm »
Oh, and it's half price for a couple of days now. :)
Order of Chaos (Guild, iRO) / Guild Revival?
« Last post by ZeroTigress on September 26, 2014, 10:21:21 pm »
We've gotten a lot of new updates to iRO and the 160 level-cap is incoming for our server. That said, is anyone coming back to try out the new Glast Heim instance or the Heroes Trail instances?

I'm kind of hesitant to recruit people since I lack the ability to give them guild titles. Also, Mwrip has been MIA from xFire for a while now. Anyone know what happened to him? :3
Other Games / Re: Flow of my game, how bad is it?
« Last post by Lomaz on September 24, 2014, 05:41:16 pm »
May have just caught it while I was doing maint on it.. Try now? testing///testing

Also, Inventory is now operational!
Other Games / Re: Guild Wars 2
« Last post by Trerro on September 23, 2014, 10:46:13 pm »
Also of note:

It's free for a week for whoever hasn't played and wants to give it a shot.
Other Games / Re: Flow of my game, how bad is it?
« Last post by Pitvrug on September 23, 2014, 08:40:22 pm »
Hmm, I log in to a prompt of "blag", and upon clicking OK, the interface loads. The chat works, but nothing else responds - I can't actually load the map.

Your logon credentials must be bust, use mine:
Username: testing
password: testing

:P :P :P
Ragnarok Online 2 / RO2 Quests on Ragnarok Wiki
« Last post by ZeroTigress on September 22, 2014, 04:59:06 am »
I just finished adding all 1,088 pre-AOV Norman quests on the Ragnarok Wiki. So if you're still avoiding RO2 like the plague, but still curious about the story, you can read through the entire main questline right on the Wiki!

No Noel or newer quests because I'm tired and don't feel like adding them myself.

Happy reading!
Other Games / Re: Flow of my game, how bad is it?
« Last post by Trerro on September 21, 2014, 08:30:27 am »
Hmm, I log in to a prompt of "blag", and upon clicking OK, the interface loads. The chat works, but nothing else responds - I can't actually load the map.
Other Games / Guild Wars 2
« Last post by Trerro on September 21, 2014, 08:25:59 am »
Does anyone play this? I remember us having a few GW1ers, and it seems like the sort of MMO a CC-style guild would work quite well in, especially with a lot of us not having much in the way of free time - it's very much a game you play on your terms.
Other Games / Re: Flow of my game, how bad is it?
« Last post by Lomaz on September 19, 2014, 08:41:01 pm »
as soon as a movement is made, the database is updated to reflect your new location, then the response contains the new tiles required to re-draw the map
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