Hi all.
I'm a software developer who works with a wide variety of technologies, and I game in.. well.. it's easier to ask what I don't game with. I don't play sports games. Tabletop I do- in just about every variety.
My classes are:
Software Developer
Game Master (Specialization: Shadowrun)
Geospacial software
ActiveMQ and OSGi
Currently untrained skills, but fixing that:
Pimped out gaming rig (Of the PC variety)
XBox 360
DS Lite (NOT 3D)
Samsung S3 + Moga Controler
One (1) minecraft VPS slice (IE I am the one paying the bill on a minecraft server)
One (1) Ex-diabetic cat, since cats are magical and can apparently heal their pancreases (Yes, I really mean this, and yes, it's impossible for anything non-feline. No, we don't know why.)
Craploads of tabletop gaming books
A absolutely massive steam library.
And Insomnia. Sometimes it's fun. Usually it isn't.