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Author Topic: Holy boris batman!  (Read 10720 times)


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Holy boris batman!
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:05:40 am »
I don't even know where to begin with this, its... strange

First of all, pet is locked as Clancy. who does not level up (the conventional way/at all) and its Bad Moon style in that no skills are perm'd, so i think ideal food would be whitecastle or Canada.

As you get started for choosing a sign, get something +muscle, Gnomes seem a waste because your max booze appears to be 5, Gnoll also seems not to be favored because you can not cook the mushrooms for food.

Class does not matter, as it will switch to Boris, and you can not acsess any guild hall for skill learnage

You start off with the boris key, and when you go to the gate of boris it gives you three tiers of skills you can learn, 1 skill point per level. still figureing out how to tackle that part!

Also, Fullness max is 20 to start, HP/MP regain passively after each combat (but not much) no shields are allowed as you must equip a 2h axe, no shirts are allowed either.

Will keep posted with odditys as i come across them!


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Re: Holy boris batman!
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2012, 06:27:38 pm »
...damnit I'm in the middle of a trendy run which I assume I won't get extra karma for now.

Annoying thing is I totally could have finished this run in time if I hadn't spent the last 3 days getting the gourd trophy :P

Most complicated path so far from the looks of things. I assume you can't perm the Boris skills. Iiiiiiinteresting.


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Re: Holy boris batman!
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2012, 07:51:21 pm »
Actually, GPH, you will get bonus karma for that Trendy run if you started it before Valentine's Day of 2012.

Also, here is the wiki page for the Avatar of Boris run, in case people haven't tried looking it up, yet:


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Re: Holy boris batman!
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2012, 10:28:50 am »
Yup, you still will get karma, and, well, since its sorta like badmoon or hardcore in your skill limitation i am thinking there is a chance that skills WILL be permable, but only acsessable if you are boris, sorta like perming SC skills relitive to HC, so if you perm something and go boris again, you still have that skill, but reg path you don't.