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Author Topic: Welcome to OT  (Read 11099 times)


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Welcome to OT
« on: October 11, 2009, 07:01:02 am »
This forum is for discussion of well... basically anything we don't have a forum for. Silly threads are both welcome and encouraged, as well as discussion of pretty much anything.

Please note that your thread must have SOME form of conversational value. If you're making a COMPLETELY pointless thread, a counting thread, or doing something like plugging your site, please post that to spam instead.

Also, the forum rules still apply. Not having a topic is not a license to be an asshat.
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin