Congrat's you survived my begginers Guide.
Welcome to advanced building and troops. From where we last lead off,we are going to discuss build troop's,to start off with
Forth day "if you started day one at the start of a new round"
you will need 3 barreck's all to level 5,a food and gold income of no less then 2k a hour each and time. start by building your other 2 barreck's "you should have one from before" build them all to level 5. I do this buy the number's so thru them once to build,again to level 1 then 2 up till 5. now is where the time come's in,you are going to make 1000 spies

yes thats what i said 1k spies. these will keep people from spying your troops and resources witch will keep you from getting farmed for a few days in most case's. after them 1k spies make 1k sword's "this will take you about 33 1/2 hour's yes that is a lot of time. from there repeat the resource upgrade portion of my last thread adding to warehouse as needed.
"mid round start" For a mid round start the spies are not an option so make up 2k swords under ceaces fire if needed and cross your finger's for more time to build them,support will be easiser to get mid round rather then the first week.
Castle building opun getting your castle you can make a new sword called a jannisery,these are swords on steriroids

take barreck's 3 times the resources shake well and injoy
Fort's these are combat heavy fortified men masher's. I dont not have one yet but will get this filed as soon as i get some behind the wheel in

no need to take my word for it look at my rank and it speaks for it's self. check these often as they will be updated wit hthe latest and the greatest of info