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Author Topic: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side  (Read 38009 times)


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KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« on: November 11, 2009, 03:12:35 pm »
Ok I played with purple and was treated very well. i was givein support such as troop's when under attack,food,gold,stone,wood,iron ect. Viggo played under periwinkel and seemed happy and gal said grey relm.

keep in mind there mergeing the 2 relms togeather,this could change the game considerably in the diffrent relm's.

I promised purple to join there relm next round prior to the annoucment they seem to be the most liked and most neutral of server 1's group's and there only requirement is 1 time a 24 hour log in so for are "less then active player's" that would make purple a great choice
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2009, 10:17:24 pm »
I honestly don't care where we go, as long as we all pick the same one.

There's one thing I'm worried about with this game though. From what I've read, you can be banished from your realm for getting strong enough to threaten the leadership. If the RA actually gets anywhere, aren't they going to toss us so we don't end up owning the realm?
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2009, 01:04:44 am »
that is a possablity,but from what i was told as long as we play fair we will not be banished "from purple" the other relm's i dont know about. and with the combing of the relms we may want to try and take another relm as there are most likely not going to be as few relm's and there based on area's where you start your villige. if we all join the one at ruffly the same time we will control the area we are in and can build a mass of villiges swallowing the entire area were located in
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2009, 10:04:54 pm »
So far it looks like we have 5 people playing.   I think thats formidable, but not strong.  We will have to work together and play smart if we want to take over a realm.  This might be difficult seeing that we are all pretty new and first time players.  As far as getting strong off the bat, I would suggest just building a ton of farmers and merchants so that you can always keep building more.  The more the better right?
Needs a better Sig.


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2009, 05:50:32 am »
that seems to be the aim,the more gold you have the more you can buy and the more farmer's the more people you can support. thats what i learned,topped out at just under the top 200 not bad for 1 1/2 weeks of play
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2009, 04:04:49 pm »
What is the link to the game and what coord/relm do we join?  I am getting tired of 2 years on Tribal Wars - I am currently ranked 38th in the world with no real opposition anymore...  :(

oddblob :)

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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2009, 04:08:13 pm »
ill prop start playing when i have more time on my hands (I.E. during the Christmas holidays)
and i actually understand what you guys are talking bout :P
well know...this is an act called mating, but there are a few differences between human beings and animals that you should know about....



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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2009, 04:18:11 am »  there's the link,the relm is undecided at the moument as there mergeing server's.  It reopens wensday some time.  I am thinking it will most likely be purple relm and they will set us down in there area. I thin the aim should be to try and join the same relm at close to the same time so that all the ra players are dropped right on top of each other
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46

oddblob :)

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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #8 on: November 18, 2009, 09:00:55 pm »
ok, just a quick update....when me assalant and pliz got on to KoB...we played like, 4 miniutes then this apperd:

Sorry folks but there are many people that can't get into the server.
Before this becomes too big of a lead for players that are in, I'm deciding to pull the plug and restart tomorrow (11/19) at 15:00
I'm going to use a bunch of the accounts that reported problems to find the cause and hopefully have a smoother start tomorrow.

so, ya a quick update..i leave all the game talk to assalant who knows what his talking about :)
well know...this is an act called mating, but there are a few differences between human beings and animals that you should know about....



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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2009, 09:11:57 pm »
What time are you thinking tomorrow?
Needs a better Sig.

oddblob :)

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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #10 on: November 18, 2009, 09:16:30 pm »
who knows, although its gonna be slightly harder for me to join with everyone as most people here are living in America (i think)..while i live in England
well know...this is an act called mating, but there are a few differences between human beings and animals that you should know about....



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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #11 on: November 18, 2009, 11:27:35 pm »
don't feel bad... i'll be spending the majority of tomorrow in the car :( anyone want to sign me up? i don't need you to play me, just get me close to you guys :p
<a href="" border="0" title="Assassin's Network"><img src="" width="350" height="105" border="0" alt="Assassin's Network" /></a>

So... this is what happens when you go on a cream pie craze and hop on chat :p
[clan]Galeesa: please take those pants off :p
[clan] HamsterishOne: ...really or in game :P
[clan] Galeesa: really
[clan] Galeesa: please take it off
[clan] Chrono64: okay
[clan] Chrono64: I took down the pants, yet it continues...
[clan] Galeesa: hehe
[clan] Galeesa: and he's just mad that he's still pulling cream out his nose :-p
[clan] Chrono64: I thought I got rid beyond the damn pants
[clan] Chrono64: XD
[clan] Chrono64: just wipe it along
[clan] Galeesa: ROFLMFAO!!!
[clan] HamsterishOne: ...I don't want to know why you just yelled out that you'd got 'it' off do I?
[clan] Chrono64: you'll just have sticky hands throughout one adventure


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2009, 04:45:18 pm »
hehehe gal,im guessing it will be 3pm central time as i think there clock run's military. purple relm is my current guess,Gnee had something to say about us right before the drop off yesterday im not sure if it was good or bad but it was something. im thinking southwest area as they have some of the best solider's but also the biggest mass of player's in that area "all relm's" so it is more likely to be a farming area.     Ill post back when i get on to kob and join purple.
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2009, 05:26:24 pm »
don't feel bad... i'll be spending the majority of tomorrow in the car :( anyone want to sign me up? i don't need you to play me, just get me close to you guys :p

Same problem :(
Blue and yellow - purple pilz!


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Re: KOB thread,7 days till start let's pick a side
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2009, 08:59:01 pm »
Ok me and odd are stuck in pink for 7 day's or we leave are relm and become banished for who knows how long. Join purple relm "make sure it's purple" pink and purple look a lot alike. I have told griffin tally and gnee to expect you and me and odd will jump at the end of the 7 days.

My starting stragy is this, market to 3 farm to 3 fill with men and repeat as in up the market then the farm then the men till your around level 5-6 or have 2 of each at 3 witch is cheaper in the start and more costly to up later on. doing that i am rank low low i went from 40 to 200 in a hour because of my spirt. i have my first 100 merchents cooking and 100 farms will be nexted followed by toping off each and hitting the buildings again. After that get a set of resource builds up and i mean UP level 5 at least on each then 100 men each over and over then a barrecks and fill it with swordsmen this will protect you the best for your first villige it did me in the final 2 weeks of battle. see you all there
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46