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Author Topic: Updates  (Read 8024 times)

Sonya the fox

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« on: August 21, 2012, 05:14:28 pm »
Mystcraft has been updated to " Forge 152", meaning you not only need an update, you now require Minecraft Forge, which also gives us more mod compatability than we had before.  After some trials and tribbleations we were able to bring the many ages people have settled in back into circulation, once again accessable as normal.  All books and portals are functioning normally, and if you have 72 diamonds and 9 gold to throw around you can make your own link modifier to make some adjustments to the behaviours of your linkbooks.  I will have one available for public use tonight when I arise from slumber, all I ask is a tiny donation of diamonds the first time you utilize it to help offset the cost to me.