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Author Topic: Targets: Doomcore (15,5)  (Read 14383 times)

Sonya the fox

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Targets: Doomcore (15,5)
« on: April 30, 2012, 12:00:03 am »
LocationOwnerActivityDefenseLoot Status
6shamblismUnknownUnkownOnly has a gold and iron mine present.  Not that worthwhile to hit unless that's what you need.  I heard he had defenders at some point so he 'may' be active
16ShaerkhanNoneNone11 tile Crystal and 1600 cap gold, also a 30 tile farm that sometimes gets reaped.
22ShaerkhanNoneNoneStarter, mining all three nodes, output unknown, 3 tiles crystal and 11 tiles iron, vault caps out 2800 instead of 1600
23Jeff the UltimateNoneNoneAll resources and food, specifics unknown until new report generated, old one lost.
24The Death BookNoneNoneAll resources and food, specifics unknown until new report generated, old one lost.