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Author Topic: About this forum (and what a thread game is)  (Read 14328 times)


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About this forum (and what a thread game is)
« on: October 11, 2009, 06:33:55 am »
Thread games are simple games played out of a forum thread. For instance, in "the 3 word story game", each person posts the next 3 words of a story, leading to silly results.

The rules vary from game to game, so you should always read the first post of a game before you jump in. Feel free to bring a favorite game from another forum, and if you have an idea for a new one, don't be afraid to post that too - just be sure to explain the game in the starting post, as not everyone will know it without an explanation, and it's not always obvious what to do from just reading existing posts.

Because thread game posts are generally very short and of minimal to no conversational value, you will not receive exp, chaos credits, or an increase to your post count for posting here. Very active thread gamers may receive bonuses in the future however. (We haven't worked out the exact details of this yet.)
« Last Edit: September 24, 2010, 01:19:21 am by Trerro »
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
"My political ideal is the democracy. Let every man be respected as an individual, but let no man be idolized" - Einstein
"Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." - Benjamin Franklin