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Author Topic: IRO economoy then/now  (Read 13487 times)


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IRO economoy then/now
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:14:43 pm »
OK so I have been trying to clear some excess stuff from my account and noticed a lot has changed since i left.  Before i made all my cash on bottle's/horns/repeat item's and ect.   I was wondering what the new rage was for farming and selling so i can amass my fourtune again and also where is the hot training spot for sd sins or if there is now a better trans set up as i seen where there is a npc to reset your skills and stats 1 time for free if you have not yet used the rest after renewal. ill be getting very active again in iro with in the next week and would like a idea of whats hot to do and where to be hanging around at
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46