Alright, so over the last couple weeks I've doing alot of aldus leveling, and been getting 150k+ exp a cycle without much trouble at all. after seeing a couple try and fail at what i do to level, i figured I'd make a guide for it, so here we go!
Alright so first of all, the ideal (as far as I've found) unit for Aldus powerleveling is the HMM+, so I'll use that as the basis of this guide. Here is what my HMM looks like:

Note the extra shields/armor come from my passive skills; Army of one, Ironhide, and Shieldmaster.
Now to deploy, once you land, you only need to move about 15 spaces to get to where you need to be to level, as you can see here:

every three turns make sure to summon an offensive drone (every four turns if you don't have acti-master) and always keep your drones on the same SQUARE as your hiveminder, bandit's will never target them if you do this. Once at the edge of your quad simply move between the four squares highlighted in red to keep summoning bandits, each time 1 spawn is dead, leave that quad so it is empty (other then ore and bodies) then hop back into it to summon more, the good thing about this form of leveling is no matter how slow your unit is, you can level quickly. If nothing spawns in a quad, just leave it, and enter it again to try spawning something again, it seems there is about a 25% chance it will be empty, 70% chance a bandit will spawn, and 5% chance shak will spawn.
to mass move your HMM and your drones, select the stack, and hit W, this is much easier then moving everything 1 unit at a time, also, note: when summoning a drone, DO NOT MOVE if there are bandits near, wait a turn then move while the skill cools, or the bandit will just blow up your drone and you'll have gotten nowhere.
Things to watch out for!!! Shak, if they spawn, evac asap, don't wait around, just evac and run the other way, you can then redrop elsewhere and repeat tel shak come and crash the party. Also, Kill all supernova's and brightlances before they get within 4 range, a supernova can do about 150 damage per turn if you let it get close, wich can easily result in you loosing your command unit, so be careful, always know where your unit is in case you need to run back and salvage.
The more you do it, the better you will get at it, you can start off killing only one spawn at a time, and work your way up to triggering all four spawns at once. Good luck
PS: if you don't beleive you can get 150k+ exp/cycle, just remember that most bandits give you between 700 and 1800 exp/kill, and here's what the end of a perfect cycle looks something like