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Author Topic: How to Hadeus Beacon  (Read 12109 times)


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How to Hadeus Beacon
« on: December 05, 2010, 09:53:15 am »
Before you start:
1. You need a LOT of probes. I recommend 45-49.
2. You need something with guns, in case someone has an AFK net that you have to poke a hole in. Any fast unit works.
3. You of course need crews for all of that. Level 1s are fine. You can only recruit 5 crews per day, so if you're starting with none, it'll take you 10 days to get enough.

Deploying the base
1. Choose a base. If you look in the faction menus, you'll see the faction base designer. We have a few pre-built ones, ranging from the bare minimum of FHQ, Command Tower, and power, to a fairly huge one. In most cases, you'll either want the the bare minimum one or a lightly armed one. Don't drop a large one if you're not prepared to defend it. You can also design your own, but again, keep it very small if you're not prepared to defend it.
2. Deploy the base from the normal deploy window.
3. Drop and go. If you deploy on the red line, you may want to evac and retry for a better position.
Note: Although you will not initially have the ability to drop the base, we will grant it to anyone who asks. We just want to make sure people know what they're doing before they drop a base and potentially cost us a lot of resources as bases are not cheap to replace.

Setting up the net
Hadeus is 6x6 quadrants (a quad is a 30x30 space). You'll want a probe in the center sector of each quadrant (this is commonly known as a probe net). There's 2 ways to easily figure out where the probes belong.
Method A: Look at the coordinates, you'll want probes at 15,45,75,105,135,and 165. (Exact coords don't matter, just make sure you're in the right sector.)
Method B: Your base is in one of the correct sectors. You can count off 3 sector increments from there.
So you don't need 1000 clicks to set your probe net up, remember that you can stack a few probes together, select the stack, press w, and click where you want the whole stack to move.
Be careful, there is likely at least one armed base down, so you WILL lose a few probes. Just try to make sure it's "a few" and not "so many you have to UD and try again".

Now that your base is down and you can see the whole map, you're ready to beacon. This is a very simple process.
1. Look for yellow dots on your minimap. 3 of them are the beacons.
2. Send one of your extra probes to the net probe closest to the beacon.
3. Send the probe that was already there to the beacon.
4. Sit on the beacon for a full turn, then command->capture beacon.
5. Carry the beacon to FHQ. As soon as you get the beacon to FHQ, a new one will spawn somewhere at random.

The Shak Base
One thing to be careful of... the aliens deploy a base, and will periodically UD and redrop. Their base is quite massive and will absolutely annihilate any probes that get in range. Always remember where it is, since if you lose a beacon to it, you won't be able to recover that beacon until the base leaves... which takes 2-5 hours.

A few other tips
-A beacon carrier has its max speed reduced to 4 until it drops the beacon. However, Move Out, Fall In, and the Command Tower DO ignore this cap.
-If you want to make it *to* the beacon a bit faster, shield shunts are a good cheap way to add +2 max speed to your probes.
-You're quickly going to realize that most of your time will be spent waiting for beacons to make it to FHQ. I strongly recommend doing something else at the same time, or at least having music on. It can get very boring otherwise.
-An enemy may attack, but you have the tactical advantage of seeing them LONG before they get to you. React accordingly. If you can't fight the enemy or don't want to risk it, evac the base. Click on FHQ, command->evac base. Be careful: base evacs CANNOT be canceled.

Dealing with other nets
Destroying probe nets is very heavily frowned on in the DS community. This is because rebuilding and resetting a net is a pain in the ass, while the guy destroying it gains almost nothing. Poking a hole in an AFK net because it's blocking a capture is fine, but do NOT kill an enemy probe without reason.

You may find you and someone from another faction are both beaconing, and you'll need to work out a sharing agreement. Don't worry, this may actually not slow your FP gain down, since long distance beacons are closer for the other guy.

Good luck. :)
« Last Edit: December 14, 2010, 10:46:59 pm by Trerro »
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

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