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Author Topic: Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me  (Read 15442 times)


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Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me
« on: May 27, 2010, 10:59:25 pm »
Thing's you will need "azzy's ai controller found here   Open the folder,go to the ai control click azzy ai/what you named it go to merc tab,click default tactic and set it to as follow's

basic behavior/ attack high

Ok so you all have seen the out dated guide's of wiki for iro and the have finshed guide's guides on the main forum's telling you places and where would be best to level.    This is a guide "to Ymir only" on how to power level most any account.

Start on noob island "if your just starting" by doing all the little quest there. Talk to everyone,you should be at base 8 or higher before you leave.

From the very start of thing's buy a few spear merc's at level 15. They are very cheap and can easily be obtained buy farming garbage or asking for a small loan from a guild member.

2. once you have your spear merc's "at least 10" "located in pontera to left" enter the building and talk to the recruiter,agree to help and you will be telly-ed to pont  Culvert.

3. click on the merc scroll and then enter the culvert,only a hand full of thing are agressive here.

4. walk around the map stopping only long enough to attack/let you merc kill a mob.

5. at level 25,go buy 10 level 2 spear merc's and head for floor's 2-3 "carry potions with you at this time as there are aggro mobs here"

6.after you are done with your 10 level 2 merc's you should be around level 40-45 "make sure at job 10 you change to your desired job class" level 55 move your self to payon "pont warp to payon and save.

8. walk up to archer village,that to the top right side of payon.

9 take the second left to the bowman merc guild and buy 10 level 5 merc's.

10. walk back down to payon and out the right side of the map

11. walk over and out the bottom of this map

12.walk right out of this map

13. Now you should see doki's/greatest general's,spore's and nine tails "avoid the 9 tails buy useing fly wing's"

14.walk the map over and over picking up the doki horn's you and you merc just collected "keep them to sale or use them for the turn for quicker leveling"

this is by far the fastest/easiest/cheapest way i have found to level a character.   I would say in 24 hours worth the game play you should hit the mid 60's and both job changes with ease

edit: due to changes or over sites im altering this guide to reflect the new/over looked merc levels.

Change's made "movement from pont to payon at 55 and merc grade 4 was changed to 5

« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 07:09:31 pm by The_Black_Assalant »
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2010, 07:11:09 pm »
If you dont mind a little wheel greaseing,level 31 can be obtained "yimr and pay servers only" buying bill of birds in morroco at level 10 til 31 "requires  550 bills "tested thanks for the insite Ian
« Last Edit: July 22, 2010, 12:26:16 am by The_Black_Assalant »
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2010, 03:10:56 am »
about 650 bills for 31.. and also, when doing Dokebi's merc kills DO NOT COUNT toward a killcount, so you cant do much on the quest there other then the horns, your much better off getting a fencer scroll or something and going to Ice Dun lvl 1 and killing the little cute things, while fwinging from Gazettis.

a great way to get a low level novie up to 10 so you can do bills is get your hands on a Orcish Sword, they are cheap and i have a couple to loan out, they are the single most powerful weap a novie can use, spam pots and kill spores right of payon spamming your novie pots, should only take a couple spores to hit first job, also, speaking of noob pots, while in training grounds, die once for a free level and 50 extra pots :D

you could also simply get a bowman scroll at any level and head to the fitting immovable plant monster for your level; be it Geographers, Floras, or anything that cant hit range :D


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Re: Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2010, 12:24:10 am »
There's only 1 flaw to the geo,flora,general thing. due to something "unsure what yet" they refuse to target unless you have been attacked or do an attack. and if your a sword avoid the stupid "use a spear to melee generals thing,it dose not work 
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Training for any class till 70 tried and perfected by me
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2010, 02:21:10 am »
Thief has Stone Fling, Aco has Holy Light, other then that, invest in a stapo card :P  problem solved! or just attempt to take 1 hit from them :P