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Author Topic: Secret of solstice  (Read 16944 times)


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Secret of solstice
« on: January 26, 2010, 06:35:54 am »
Yes Trerro,I hear you as I type this "outspark cash shop,what about IRO and so on"

Yes outspark game's do have a cash shop,and at higher levels to gain quick xp you need there xp books from there shop. that being said,with the state of my finace's I dont have the cash for a p2p only game at this time  ;) dont mean I cant help rebuild the CC in another game.

A little back story, during my waiting for my video card so i could play atlantica,and before i went to IRO I played sos for about 2 week's. when i went back I found out there had been a server hack about a month after I left and kron "game currency" was spread around in mass. to combat that they made several item's rare that dropped all the time in beta,I was playing beta  :o when i checked my bank,i had about 28 mill worth the stuff,that when i left was worthless. in a few hours i became one of the richest noobs in the game for my level. I have used that to power house 2 account's up 1 squire level 44,and a scout level 64.  with my current leveling progress I should beable to set up a guild and max it out in under a month with active player's.  This could become a viable game for are forums. It is also possable that a ra player will be running a kob realm next round. I will be playing but as a defencive player only way out in the boons. 
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in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 07:42:26 pm »


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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 10:18:34 pm »
I remember looking at this one a year or two ago and my initial impression was "RO clone - brings nothing new to the genre", but I last looked at it at least 2 years ago, probably longer, so it's quite possible they've since done stuff to make it stand out.

Basically, other than "RO, but free", what's the appeal of the game? What unique features, etc, does it have?

I'm not necessarily against cash shops, it's just that the overwhelming majority of the ones I've seen are exploiting, gouging ones that cause 90% of the players to quit, and basically require enormous cash purchases if you ever want to get to the endgame stuff. KoL is purely cash shop driven, but it does it without breaking the game. RO uses a hybrid model that includes a minor cash shop, which again, doesn't break the game. If the shop is mainly just xp boosts, convenience items, and stuff like that, then there's no problem. Likewise, if it's like KoL where some of the items are actually quite powerful, but you never need them, and they don't actually give you much of an advantage over those who never use them, that's fine too.
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 04:30:33 am »

The appeal of the game is there are quest,but the game is not driven by them. there is a cash shop,they have useful items but not game breaking by any means. they have weekly event's in game,the gm's actully play the game.  there are guild/solo/team player vs player.  The maps get harder forcing you into getting better at attacking/potting/defending your game mate's or partying with better player's.

there is a lot of classes     

They have mount's simalier to atlantica but you gain them thru a quest. they do have a item in there mall that prevent's loss of pet's while enhancing them,they also have wings like atlantica also obtained in game.   

And the number 1 reason this is a top notch game to play...drum roll please...............There are no bot's!no gold seller's!no spamming up the screen BUy gold 24/7 delivery at blah blah blah  ;) oh it's heaven.  and there is content for people all the way to level 180 allthough that is a hard to obtain level.  infact i think there is only a handful of them in the whole game.          It's not a jump in and your level 100+ in a few days either,takes time to build a account and there are many diffrent classes to make and play.  It is a bit of a clone from iro,without the after taste.  I made level 64 today,that's flat grind with a 100% xp book for 12 days with bunk equipment.         Best part is we have the option to power level are guild member's or make them grind it out all the way up. it is fun
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46

oddblob :)

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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2010, 03:46:48 pm »
i remember looking at this game i forget the time period...when i was playing a game called fiesta (outspark) and it being advertised..although at that point i was board of fiesta and figured it'll be much the same..but im willing to have a look at it anyway

oh  btw, fiesta was crap
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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2010, 04:11:07 pm »
yea i tried it for about 5 mins  >:(  sos aint really that bad. and new players can amass a small fortune farming low level mobs for things like grape's,strawberry's jurehs pendent pieaces and so on
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46


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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2010, 10:32:38 pm »

The appeal of the game is there are quest,but the game is not driven by them.

Does that mean you CAN quest heavily if you choose as a leveling method, or does it mean there's a handful of quests only, and the game is purely grind otherwise? More importantly, does it have intricate quests with a huge variety of objectives and interesting storylines, or is it just "go kill 20 of this, receive reward"? As someone who LIKES questing when it's not wow-style, this is one of the things I look for in an MMO.

there is a lot of classes

Look again, there's only 6. You start with 4 jobs, 2 of which never split, 2 of which split once, for a total of 6. They advance in tiers like RO, but in the end, there's Warlord, Archmage, Shadow Master, Ranger, Paladin, and Holy Avenger. That's it. (RO has 17 by comparison - the 12 normal classes, the 4 "expanded" ones, and Super Novice.) Also, as someone who likes playing casters, it looks like I have a total of 1 option - there's only apprentice to start, and that tree doesn't split, ever, leaving Archmage as my only character option. (unless ranger is very druid-y and holy avenger is more than a self-healing tank, but from what they advance from, it seems neither is likely)

there are guild/solo/team player vs player.

What kind of pvp though? Is it purely just kill each other, or do they have castle seiges (or some other form of guild war), battlegrounds, etc.

The maps get harder forcing you into getting better at attacking/potting/defending your game mate's or partying with better player's.

This is good, but hardly unique - and RO DOES do this as well. Ignore the piss easy ID events, which they're doing mainly to make sure everyone has a character ready when Renewal hits.

They have mount's simalier to atlantica but you gain them thru a quest.

Ok, that's good.

they do have a item in there mall that prevent's loss of pet's while enhancing them,they also have wings like atlantica also obtained in game.

How important is said item? That could be anything from a minor advantage to something insane like Atlantica's "power enhancing", designed to milk 100s from you.

And the number 1 reason this is a top notch game to play...drum roll please...............There are no bot's!no gold seller's!no spamming up the screen BUy gold 24/7 delivery at blah blah blah  Wink oh it's heaven.

RO's botting is pretty much limited to REQ maps (and even there they tend to be purged pretty quickly), and there's a occasionally ONE guy with a gold selling chat room in Pron, but that's about it. Of course, free games are usually plagued by this crap, so if this game managed to stay free and not have these issues, that is actually an accomplishment.

Best part is we have the option to power level are guild member's or make them grind it out all the way up. it is fun

What do you do when you're NOT grinding though? Are there pvp modes? Instances? Group quests? Missions? SOMETHING besides just endlessly killing for xp?

A few other questions...
How customizable are the characters? Can you design your own skill build, have full control of your stats, modify gear to do weird stuff, etc... or will 2 level 100 (insert class here) players be pretty much the same with minor stat adjustments?

How good is the translation? The fact that the website apparently hasn't been updated in years (their site guide shows only the 1st jobs even though they have 3 tiers) is not a good sign.

Also, about the cash shop not having an impact... I notice that the good weapons are in the cash shop, and they're RENTAL, so you have to buy them monthly at high cost. Can these also be obtained in game, with the rental simply being a temp option until you actually get them, or is this the only way to get these items. If it's the second, then cash players clearly have a huge advantage, and worse, you pretty much have to play only 1 character unless you want to pay the rental fee on multiple characters.

I'll give this a shot in a few days, but so far, it sounds like it's pretty much a straight-up Korean item mall grinder.
Order of Chaos (Ragnarok Online, iRO Ymir) guildmaster - Mwrip (99/70 High Wizzie)

Dragon Code: DC2.Dw Gm L7f W T Palw Sks Cbk Bfl/"puns" A Fr-- M O H-- $- Fo R++ Ac++ J++ S+ I--# Tc++ E+

"I never knew faith had to come with an instruction manual." - Source Unknown
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Re: Secret of solstice
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 06:33:39 am »
good question's. Ill try to answer them in order.

Does that mean you CAN quest heavily if you choose as a leveling method there is like in ro,quest that you can use to level how ever they have a time repeat on them "AKA a cool down" and i have heard there are team quest "ILL go mare in to quest at the end.

Look again, there's only 6This is true,there are 6 total classes but many diffrent ways to build them out. you can make them soley for damege or speed,you can make them tanks with mass defence for healing on high maps.

What kind of pvp though?This I am not really sure about,i know the one your dropped in a arena with your partner/enemey and slug it out. I have heard rumor's you can lose your gear in pvp if you lose,but im not sure

How important is said item? That could be anything from a minor advantage to something insane like Atlantica's "power enhancing", designed to milk 100s from you.
you get 5 i think at a time and it's like 2.50 i think,they have a 10 dollarish bundel that comes with everything. it is only nesseasary if you want a monster high level pet and i think to most anyone has said they spent for a +5-6 pet was 1 bundel. i dont have a pet yet so i cant be sure

Also, about the cash shop not having an impact... I notice that the good weapons are in the cash shop, and they're RENTAL, so you have to buy them monthly at high cost. Can these also be obtained in gameNo,you can not obtain the wepons in game,how ever the wepon's though they look impressive are usless after about level 36ish. I have the numchuck for neo and used it a week. they do have some good items in the shop,but it is not something that makes people better. I do admit i have a slight advantege with a few power incress items i have,but all they do is aloe me to train on higher maps then i should.

Yes there is a lot of grind to the game,they do have the pvp and they have events alot. it is f2p witch is a draw to a number of active players.   You have full stat control of your charecter.    Oh yea,the wepeons question. With the enhacement it's not like atlantica,you have to find stones in game called xen stones,they are very rare and can drop at anytime from anything. with each level you gain something. for mages,aco's,temps it's +1 magic speed cast incress buy .001 and 10 mp after witch i think it's 10 magic attack per + for melle and archers it's attack and minus attack speed.

As for quest,there are no guide's to them and you get a in game message 1 time telling you of a quest and if you dont write it down or go start it well your out of luck.   The reason the site guide only shows the first change is so you have to work at finding out how to level and change jobs, took me 2 days to figure out where to go to change to a scout LOL. and you have to decied what type of player you will be. If you go acyolt,your a healer and a buffer for the most part,the mage's are your combate mages they have high hitting damage but low defence. squire is a good starting charecter,they can carry a lot and take a lot less damege and neo for there leveling speed. it's a game of either you love it or you hate it.               I like it. I can solo when i want to be left alone and if you need a party there not hard to get most the time.     This weekend there haveing a 25% xp boost so it would be a great time to join up if you have time.                    Im lone archer,in game
If the pie was a lie,why did it taste so good.

in loving memory of the fallen friend's, Breakdown,Ocity,Dycyn :P and those name's lost in the destruction of the secret island destroyed by Falsa.

Currently Playing Ragnarok online 99 Trans sinx Flash-Blades,OutSellMe level 31 merchant,Lord Bo0m level 93 wizard,Agility sez what! level 31 swordsman,Icy Fingered Gank thief level 46