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CC General Discussion / Re: CC homepage concept
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 31, 2014, 07:41:50 pm »
Can you simplify "Welcome to the Chaos Cluster Site!" to just "Chaos Cluster"? It feels cluttered to have that as a whole sentence. :U

Also, I think our upcoming Wiki should be called "CC Wiki" instead of "Chaos Wiki," since it might get mistaken for another Wiki in the future if we keep it as "Chaos Wiki."
CC General Discussion / CC homepage concept
« Last post by inuko23 on October 31, 2014, 09:45:29 am »
So uh, I made up a concept of the Chaos Cluster homepage to match the forum using colors from both the forum and the current homepage. Just a simplified layout using the content of the current homepage as a reference for the links and content. Maybe the logo discussion could be brought up again ( and it could be incorporated into the header instead of the current header text.

Just wondering what you guys think about the layout and what should be changed/added (was gonna put the image here but it's kinda big so linked it instead):

Order of Chaos (Guild, iRO) / Re: Guild Revival?
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 30, 2014, 08:09:47 am »
Just came up with an idea for our guild in Renewal.

I was thinking we could WoE, but due to how the WoE situation is right now, approaching it the traditional way wouldn't be feasible for the Order.

Therefore, I propose we do WoE differently.

For our guild, a headhunter leaderboard would be set up. Only those of us in the guild are to know its purpose, NO ONE ELSE. What the leaderboard would do is award points to guildmembers that manage to kill a guildleaders and/or guild officers in WoE. It wouldn't really be WoEing, but it would make WoE a little interesting if we aim to just take out leaders.

That is, if we start up another recruitment thread.
Announcements & Such / CC Server Upgrade
« Last post by Trerro on October 27, 2014, 01:30:30 pm »
Our hosting company now offers a much better server (4x RAM, 2x storage, 1.5x transfer, significantly better processor) at the same price, so we'll be upgrading to it for free. This will be at ~7 PM Eastern today (10 hours from this post). Because it does an image and copy, everything will preserved as is, so other than a couple of minor settings (mainly telling it to use the larger drive space allotment), there's very little I need to do other than wait for them to move it over and punch in a few settings. Expected downtime is less than an hour, probably not more than 30 minutes.
Order of Chaos (Guild, iRO) / Re: Guild Revival?
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 26, 2014, 06:10:14 am »
In terms of official content, it's planned to stop right before Renewal (which is Episode 13, I think?). But the iRO team has full control over its content so there will be events and custom stuff to keep players interested.

I wouldn't mind trying out Classic if you and the others want to start up the guild on Classic. :3 I'd stay on Renewal otherwise.
Order of Chaos (Guild, iRO) / Re: Guild Revival?
« Last post by Trerro on October 26, 2014, 05:37:15 am »
Hmm, does Classic actually get events and such, or is it pretty much just a frozen 13.whateverthepatchbeforeRenewalwas server?
Order of Chaos (Guild, iRO) / Re: Guild Revival?
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 24, 2014, 09:11:04 pm »

What do you guys think? Should we move to Classic since Renewal's not that great?
Ragnarok Online 2 / Re: seaRO2 Closing Down
« Last post by ZeroTigress on October 14, 2014, 09:05:34 am »
Well then. For the first time ever, the iRO2 team has pleasantly surprised me.

SEA Zeny Restriction
•All characters with over 2,000 zeny will have their zeny reduced by 50%
•All characters with zeny over 20,000 will have their zeny reduced by another 50% (1/4)
•Any character that has over 35,000 zeny will be reduced down to 35,000 zeny

Now all that's left is to address those millionaires on iRO2.
Other Games / Re: Clash of Clans
« Last post by Pitvrug on October 09, 2014, 09:12:51 am »

-Yes, it's fun!

i don't believe you :P
Other Games / Clash of Clans
« Last post by Lomaz on October 08, 2014, 01:49:36 pm »
Heya!  I just made a new clan on Clash of Clans, does anyone else play on here?

Couple notes about the game: 

-Yes it's a mobile game, but if you're on windows you can download bluestacks to play it on your computer
-No, it's not really pay to win, paying does speed up things a *bit* but the premium currency can still be gained ingame.
-Yes, it's fun!
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