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Messages - iggy

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League of Legends / Re: Favorite champs?
« on: June 21, 2013, 01:30:48 pm »
Morgana, eve, zyra, karma. I prefer most of the skillshot champs and try to avoid ones like ryze/cassiopeia where I have to click too much... although I might get cass at some point cause she seems pretty good.

Off Topic / Re: This country is starting to scare me
« on: April 01, 2013, 03:45:36 pm »
This reminds me that the piratebay has a pretty great april fools running currently!

Also, there's no solution to any of these problems other than people becoming more tolerant and peace loving in general. This can be moderated slightly thanks to some proper education but even than it's not going to make a huge difference due to the inherent profits you can reap from being a total corrupt backstabbing douchebag in a human society. Obviously everytime there's something to gain someone will try to take advantage of it in one way or another which is pretty basic economic knowledge, so obviously it also applies to corruption.

some more points to end my rant:

- Elections are about whoever answers the least questions and tries to upset the smallest minorities while pleasing the largest majorities with whichever bullshit answers they do provide
- Voter apathy is obviously a direct cause of this, or maybe people just used to believe in general political bullshit more than we do now because it wasn't as perfected as it is now, and there's obviously a lot more coverage on it than there used to be.
- Most if not all governments care only about the next 4 years, except maybe kim yong yung, he's obviously a great leader who's playing the long game! (I'm joking for people who are not clever)
- Again, this leads to voter apathy and I would even call it 'voter hopelessness' because you know there's really nothing you can do to change how things work. Either you don't vote and lose whatever miniscule insignificant power you had and people can just blame you for the system not working because you didn't vote. Or you can just suck it up, vote for someone who comes the closest to your own opinions/concerns and than cry yourself to sleep every single night when he gets elected and obviously accomplishes almost nothing of what he said he would accomplish. It might not even be his/her fault due to the way opposition parties sometimes try to sabotage current government plans (very constructive) but you're obviously still going to be pretty annoyed at this person and the system in general.

To sum it up short, I don't think people are inherently bad... but in any group there's always a few who spoil it as much as possible for the others.


Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:22:48 pm »
I would laugh at South Korea and also probably be pretty sceptical about any future foreign news stories.

What would you do if you could drink a potion that would grant you godlike intelligence but it's at the cost of emotion making you not necessarily evil, but pretty cold hearted and rational. (kinda like doctor House w/o being a dick :p)

Off Topic / Re: School assignment
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:19:07 pm »

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: January 05, 2013, 09:00:40 pm »
Your wish is granted, it is now 2014!

I wish my the temp on my AC would actually be correct so that my heater would work! (there's like no central heating anywhere here)

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:14:24 am »
It does, it's just the machine taking over though!

I wish this forum would work properly!

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:00:50 pm »
Not often do I corrupt my own wish, but he did flood my place!

I wish everything wouldn't have to be such a god damn struggle :P

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: November 06, 2012, 01:30:32 pm »
You become a non-sentient alien parasite.

I wish legal systems were based more on evidence and less on which side could afford a better lawyer.

Done, you are now innocent until caught red handed, possibly with the rope on Mss Murdoch in the Kitchen.

I wish the plumber who's at my place right now would fix my dry faucet faster

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:34:59 am »
Your wish has been granted, you are now a sex worker exclusively for retirement homes and other social endevours.

I wish I could visit other planets

Other Games / Re: PSN
« on: October 15, 2012, 10:54:34 pm »
I have an xbox but the only game I have is fifa 12 (soon to be fifa 13), I left most my games at home when I moved although I didn't have many anyway.

Other Games / Re: How about some FPS?
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:57:46 pm »
Actually installed cs again a few days ago because of a friend bugging me, but unfortunately my new country sucks in terms of ping, and it was pretty much unplayable.

Off Topic / Re: Gone for 4 days
« on: April 08, 2012, 07:58:36 pm »
Shouldn't you normally bring a laptop to one of these? :p

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: I'm Back!
« on: January 30, 2012, 04:50:50 am »
Good to hear gal, whats the name?

...of the daughter, not the father gal I know its yours :P

Off Topic / Re: This country is starting to scare me
« on: January 09, 2012, 09:27:02 pm »
@ Bullseye: Stop whining that your President is a darkie, if you really want a racial comparison, After Mandela, he's probably the most respected and thought of Black President in the world.

@ iggy: How come saying Dummkopf suddenly makes it a Nazi reference? it literally means Dumb-head  ::)

@Trerro: The simple sad truth is that the human population is increasing exponentially, and natural resources are not, therefore no socially acceptable measures can be implemented by any government to provide everyone with what they need.

Cause he's talking about socialists, than randomly says the only german word he knows... I speak german so I know what it means but I just thought it was a bit too random to not be a nazi reference (cause otherwise it just doesn't make any sense)

Off Topic / Re: This country is starting to scare me
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:22:17 pm »
I'll let you get away with this one cause you're young/naive/not so clever, but you should strive to understand the things you're complaining about first.

Your german/nazi reference suggest that you don't understand what you're saying.

Also, we realise its german.

edit: obviously pointed at bullseye and not GPH :P

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