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Messages - Trerro

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Other Games / Re: Flow of my game, how bad is it?
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:30:27 am »
Hmm, I log in to a prompt of "blag", and upon clicking OK, the interface loads. The chat works, but nothing else responds - I can't actually load the map.

Other Games / Guild Wars 2
« on: September 21, 2014, 08:25:59 am »
Does anyone play this? I remember us having a few GW1ers, and it seems like the sort of MMO a CC-style guild would work quite well in, especially with a lot of us not having much in the way of free time - it's very much a game you play on your terms.

Tinywarz / TW is for sale for 5 grand... should we?
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:26:08 am »
We've certainly got enough people to run it, but some combination of us would need to chip in to add up to that amount, as I don't think any of us are sitting on that kind of money.

It was a great game, it would be cool to be able to revive it, and there's all sorts of stuff we could do with it, but of course, 5k could do a lot of other stuff too.

So, what do people think? Should we go for it?

Introductions / Re: It's me, Talvis
« on: June 06, 2014, 04:09:17 am »
Welcome to OoC and CC! :)

We're a bit scattered at the moment, but RO and Mabinogi seem to be the 2 main CC MMOs at the moment.

Renewal unfortunately caused a mass exodus, but it seems they're making at least some effort to fix things, so it's quite possible a bunch of us will be back as it gets better, and I'm up for random parties and such, just not likely to be logged in normally.

Ragnarok Online / Re: RO Role-Play
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:23:03 am »
Sounds interesting, though I should probably actually watch that anime first so I have a better idea of what you're aiming for. :P From what I've heard, somewhere along the lines of .hack?

Other Games / City of Steam
« on: March 21, 2014, 08:17:30 am »
It's a free steampunk MMO by the people who did Wartune. It's in very early release, so still buggy in places, but there's a good amount of stuff to do, it's built in such a way that's its playable whether you have a little or a lot of time, and it's overall pretty well-made. There's a solid story, plenty of both pvm and pvp content, and a decent amount of character customization (stat tweaking mainly). They also seem to have learned from WT's mistakes, keeping most of the good and improving on it, while eliminating or at least mitigating most of the bad. This is also a realtime MMO, so plays more like an actual MMO, and less like a browser game with minor MMO elements.

If you're willing to give it a try, now's a good time, as they're giving out a bunch of stuff to people who try it in the first month, and of course, the sooner we get a CC group active, the easier it'll be to recruit. :)

We're on Server 2 via Steam. Also of note, though it's a 3D MMO, the client is tiny because it uses some fancy load as you go thingie. This makes it both really easy to get started, and more friendly to people on limited bandwidth ISPs than MMOs generally tend to be. - Here's the download link and such.

Ragnarok Online 2 / Re: December Update: Balance Patch
« on: November 23, 2013, 04:48:29 am »
Hmm, I'll have to see what they changed. I'm going to be mostly MIA for a few weeks though, I have Wednesday off and then my next day off will be December 23.

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Clan?
« on: November 22, 2013, 10:16:45 am »
It doesn't look we got it back, we just have some way to *eventually* get it back. Gal's just been injected into it and made unkickable.

We can't invite anyone back that we won't whitelist - he can, and will, just purge them out again. Since he may try to get another multi in there and will likely kick anyone we don't whitelist, this means we can re-add all of our old members, but recruiting is impossible.

Our stash is gone, and we can't rebuild it because this asshat has full access to it and we can't remove him.

Our in-game forums and announcements are nuked, and we can't rebuild those either - he'll just delete them again.

We can't run instances because this guy can just destroy them before they finish.

Our rumpus room is still operational (though be prepared to re-buy stuff constantly).

Our VIP room is about the only thing he can't destroy.

So... we've got our name back, we can all get back in the door, and we can run the ascension cycle with our clan powers (mostly, possibly with extra meat needed) in tact, but it looks like it's going to be a looooong time before this is a functional CC clan again, unless we can get this guy out of here.

Gal, please re-whitelist and re-leader us when you see this. It looks like MultiCzar whitelisted me, but not as a leader, and I don't think anyone else was listed (though I currently can't check). If you DO have the ability to remove the asshat, please nuke him from orbit.

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Clan?
« on: November 19, 2013, 12:03:30 am »
Crap... it looks like none of the usual rotating leaders have been on in months, and someone named Shelldor took over ours, and multiple other clans, using place holder accounts. We may have just lost everything, including those 1 time items we probably can never get again. Apparently, regardless of rights, anyone can take over if no one of higher rank has been on in a month.

Hopefully if enough of us contact KoL staff, we can at least get the *clan* back, with name, stats, those buildings we'd never be able to get again, etc. The storage is of course long gone, but that's far less important.

I've started a thread here:

I'm not sure if there's any kind of official support thing I can use, if there is, I'm not seeing it.

Dungeons & Dragons Online / We've started up the guild again
« on: November 13, 2013, 12:30:20 am »
For anyone interested, we're starting up our DDO guild again, and we actually have an airship now. :)

Thread Games / Re: Round Robin Story
« on: September 24, 2013, 10:01:48 pm »
Rinzik sighed. Here he was, working in an advanced science base, here to make all sorts of fascinating discoveries... and he was stuck doing military tech support.

-Data is corrupt. Discard? [Y/N?]-

He traced a tentacle over the logs. "We replaced everything. We ran every test. All of the comm gear is brand new, working perfectly." He tapped his beak on his desk, thinking. "And screwing up data at 3 meters, inside our base, no one even moving... even if we plug a cord in to eliminate the possibly of something in the air. It's not on our end, it's not on the other end, it's not any kind of jam, what haven't I checked..."

With a wide,  vertically thin, almost wispy ribbony serpentine body, 8 tentacles (4 with venomous stingers, 4 with sticky suction pods), dozens of tiny feet, no real hands, and a razor-sharp beak, "gifted scientist and tech expert" wasn't the first thing most humans had in mind when they first saw Rinzik. It had taken him some time to get the humans to stop shooting at him on sight (the shield belt held out *just* long enough), and most still kept a good three tentacle lengths away when speaking with him... but they couldn't deny how much he had helped the base... his unusual thinking and inventiveness had saved it multiple times now, and they had finally let him move in and work more directly with them... well, near them anyway. Few trusted him, but the rest all certainly respected him... at a distance... with a hand on a holster.

"...wait. N. Definitely N. We have 5 saved now, bring them all up, graph it against our energy use..."

As he stared at the readout, all 8 tentacles shot up in a gesture of surprise, and all 3 lab assistants dove for cover.

"I just found our 'interference'. It's not the equipment. It's not enemy activity. It's not the lines when there are any. It's not anything in the system that we didn't put there. What's left?"

"Uhh..." came a nervous voice from under a desk. "The only thing that leaves is... the... electricity."

"Correct, or more broadly... the energy. The energy is speaking."

Three heads stared at him, at least one wondering if he had taste-tasted the local herbs.

CC General Discussion / Gone for 2 weeks
« on: July 19, 2013, 03:20:33 pm »
I will be at Pennsic ( until Aug 2 or 3. I will likely be able to check in once or twice very briefly, but if anyone is looking for me, I will otherwise be completely gone until then. Thanks.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: July 18, 2013, 04:30:33 am »
Dak's schedule is changing in 2 weeks which will hopefully let us do the full group. If not though, that definitely sounds like the way to go, and we'll just need to figure out who goes where.

Thread Games / Re: Round Robin Story
« on: June 10, 2013, 03:23:50 am »
Kara ducked behind a tree, staring at her own communicator. "The pattern... it has to..."

Her eyes went wide as she realized what she was looking at. The swirling colors weren't random at all, they were a very crude map of the surrounding forest! The pattern also had a slight swirl to it, centered on...

She stared incredulously, trying to process what she was reading. "That. That's where they got... the crystals... but that... that can't be right!"

Was it true, was the city's power source... talking to her?

This could explain everything! The strange orders, the increasingly paranoid leadership... but Aben was trapped back there, and maybe there was a direct way to help him. Would killing that creature free him... and was killing even possible with what she had?

Kara was the first to notice the map, but would certainly not be the last. She needed to decide quickly...

Thread Games / Re: Round Robin Story
« on: June 01, 2013, 02:17:45 am »

Johan looked at his communication device, and saw nothing but swirling color. He had heard about this. Devices would malfunction in "impossible" ways and no one was entirely sure why.

"Damnit, not now!" came Johan's voice from the top of the wall. "I can't get through!"

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