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Topics - Trerro

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Chaos Cluster / Collections - who wants what
« on: June 27, 2012, 03:02:44 am »
Trerro - Dragons, Squirrels
Sonya - Foxes
Bullseye55 - Space, Moon
dragon47 - Deer
Ravneel - Huskies, Golden
machomano - Magic
Sagi - Super
Cylia - Butterflies

If you'd like to be added here, please let us know.

Kingdom of Loathing / So that 4 day run I was attempting?
« on: May 16, 2012, 08:11:20 am »
Here's where my final turn of day 4 put me:

Yes, ONE more turn would've done it.

Yes, I needed ONE more turn to pull it off. *growls*

Edit: Lomaz pointed out I can technically still do a 4 day HC run by dropping Boris and using the extra booze capacity... so I *technically* got it, but... bah. :P

Kingdom of Loathing / Hidden skill
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:06:48 am »

I got this. I have no idea what I did. Neither does the wiki. Apparently there's some obscure condition for it that I did... by accident. :P

Possible things I can think of:
-Eat a total number of demanded sandwiches
-Summon and eat sandwiches every day of the run
-Have all 3 instruments on day 1 in Hardcore

Of course, it may also be a lot simpler, like "Finish a Boris run that was started after May 1."

Announcements & Such / XFire is currently borked
« on: May 09, 2012, 02:16:23 am »
Issue is now mostly fixed, only their website is having issues. The client is working fine.

XFire is currently epically borked. From what I gathered:
-Chat rooms are down. All of them.
-You can't log in to the client OR the site.
-If you're already logged in, normal IMing seems to work, but well... don't DC. You won't be back. :P

Their forums are loaded with complaints, so they're definitely aware they hosed their network, but I don't think they have an ETA on repairs.

This means CC does not have its usual chat at this time. If this isn't fixed in the next 24 hours, I'm going to set up a temp room, even if it's a really lame one, to make sure we have *something* we can use.

I'll update this when stuff comes back up or when they seem to at least have an ETA. Please post any info you have to this thread.

Dungeon Overlord / Targets: Mount Rotcave (14,4)
« on: April 29, 2012, 11:09:41 pm »
LocationOwnerActivityDefenseLoot Status
0NoneNANADense Basalt remote mining location
1,2,3,6,7,9,11,15,18,19NoneNANAUseless unless you decide to occupy.
14Jeff the UltimateNoneNone4 empty hallways, a 3x3 library, and no mines switched on - totally useless. This could be a potential conquer target, however, for the double deep ochre mine.
20LardNoneNoneThis is a basic, early, starter dungeon. It can be hit for food, gold, iron, or crystal, but don't expect large returns. Level 1 orcs are recommended.
21SyvanNoneNoneThis is basically a slightly larger, more advanced Lard. Expect slightly better returns, but still nothing amazing.

Dungeons in this mountain not recorded yet: 5,17,22,23

All others not listed here are CC-owned.

Kingdom of Loathing / Nailed a 5 day HC run :)
« on: April 21, 2012, 09:06:40 am »
5 days, 1054 turns
I was an Avatar of Boris with a starting bonus pool of 16 points and the helm.

I'm thinking with the full pool, this is even 4 day-able.

Minecraft / Installing MystCraft
« on: April 11, 2012, 09:52:18 am »
Step 0: If you haven't already done so, update Minecraft to 1.2.5. (You'll be prompted on login.)

Step 1: Download the mod here:

Step 2: Extract it using WinRAR (or any similar program).

Step 3:
Win7: Type %appdata% into your search box on the start menu
XP and such: Start->Run %appdata%

Go to .minecraft, then bin

Open minecraft.jar with WinRAR (or whatever you use).

Step 4: Dump the entire contents of the Mystcraft folder (the contents, not the folder itself) into the jar.

Step 5: Inside the jar is a folder named META-INF. Delete it.

That's it. You're good to go.

Off Topic / Gone for 4 days
« on: April 05, 2012, 02:25:15 am »
I'm heading to PAX (huge gaming convention in Boston) early tomorrow, and will be back late Sunday or sometime Monday. My laptop is shot to hell and back, so expect me to poof.

Tinywarz / CC in a Nutshell
« on: March 20, 2012, 03:46:26 am »
The name Chaos Cluster isn't just something that sounds cool, it's an explanation of who we are as a community.

Chaos: We're built on positive chaos. We have no rigid hierarchy, no one barking orders, no mandatory... pretty much anything. We're here to have fun and help each other - it's that simple. This is, above all else, who we are.

Cluster: We have groups in many games, as well as other stuff going: RPs, chats, forums, pretty much whatever people want to start. All of this is clustered into a community. You'll often hear us refer to the faction as "part of CC" because it is - CC, collectively, is the whole community. The game we were founded on died several years ago. Other factions, guilds, and clans will rise and fall, whether due to the game dying or everyone playing it having a collective "yeah, we're done here" moment, but CC lives on.

What this means beyond the obvious:
-The community *always* comes before the game. That doesn't mean we don't try to win (although we do tend to not especially care about rank and such), but it does mean we make decisions primarily towards maximizing the enjoyment of the game, and towards getting people interested in being long-term CC members.

-Want a CC group in something we don't have one in? Go right ahead and start it.

-Our primary fac chat is run through XFire, not through in-game chat. We highly recommend downloading that (it's tiny and free).

-We run a forum site ( It's good to use this for long-term stuff, especially when you can't always find who you're looking for.

-Everyone always has input in the running of the fac, never feel afraid to speak up. We're serious about having little to no hierarchy - leadership mostly just means privileges. The power of your voice on an issue is not determined by your position on a list, it's determined by what you say.

Minecraft / What do people look for in this game, and mods?
« on: March 17, 2012, 10:55:50 pm »
So, what do people look for in MC in general, and for mods specifically? Let's get everyone's opinions on the matter.

To me, MC is mainly about:

1. Personal building - Make your home, your realm, whatever. Everyone has their own ideas, and it's fun to both make your own, and see what others come up with.

2. Group building - The really huge projects that involve the ideas of multiple people and are assembled together can be awesome.

3. Dangerous exploration and challenges, especially in a group. Knowing you're always a couple of creepers away from death, working together to overcome challenges, moving on to the really hard stuff once you think you can handle it. It's a lot of fun.

The problem I have with a lot of mods, is that here's how the game changes regarding those 3:
#1. Massively increased
#2. Neglected - Nothing new is added that matters for this, and people end up just not bothering.
#3. Destroyed - Player power levels increase massively, there's no challenges worthy of that power level, and the result is that with all risk and challenge gone, no one plays together.

If all you're doing is personal building, it's no longer much of a multiplayer game. You can see each other's structures and trade materials and... that's pretty much it.

A good set of mods, IMO, should address all 3 of these:
#1. Provide us new stuff to build and play with. Provide new gear, but nothing that makes us demigods... just stuff we'll want to use for the new challenges.
#2. Have new block types and new mechanical stuff - anything that might make a group of us look and say "Hey, wouldn't it be awesome if we..."
#3. Add new threats, new challenges, new stuff that ensures that while we may be stronger with more tricks up our sleeves, we also face greater challenges. The world should still be dangerous - more dangerous in special areas, in fact. The desire to party should still exist.

Also super important:
-Everything needs to be stable. When a server crashes every few hours, our player count drops to 2-3 within a day or two, and then those people get bored at the lack of players and leave. I don't care how cool the mod is that's crashing it - if we can't stabilize the server, no one will stick with it.

Less important than my big 3, but things I think should at least be looked at are:
-Complexity level, especially regarding newbies. The good mods try to segment things off (new planes, new dungeon/fortress/etc types) as this ensures a newbie can simply play Minecraft, then work with the new stuff when he's learned the basic game. When we have to hit newbies with facts like "Don't use that wood you punched!" and "Don't use ore, you need to build these 7 things so you can powder it first!", it absolutely overwhelms newbies. Remember, when you first start, you're worried about simply learning to survive in the MC world, not pulling out 5th tier constructions. Even regular MC uses segmentation - note how simple it is to get a workbench, furnace, torches, etc, but how you need obsidian, blaze rods and the like before you play with enchanting and brewing. Of course some mods are specifically about adding new uses for old stuff, and that's perfectly fine... but it's best if it doesn't make the normal MC starting guides flat out wrong for the server.

-Installation difficulty. The best mods require the player to do nothing at all (purely server-side), or can be done via installer, although this is of course impractical for many. If we need a sticky explaining what to do, that's fine, but if it's a 20 step process that has to be carefully followed to the letter, expect more people to give up than to actually get it working.

-Complexity for the sake of complexity. Normal MC generally avoids items that do nothing on their own, and serve only as intermediate steps. The book is the only common one I can think of. Sometimes it makes sense to have 1 or 2 of these because there's a clear theme - book = magic in this case - but when you make the player go through 4-5 tiers without actually being able to DO anything until he finishes, it's likely to result in players just giving up.

Kingdom of Loathing / Quick warning to anyone about to start a hardcore run
« on: February 06, 2012, 08:22:19 am »
Kung Fu is no longer trendy, so those 4 buffs won't fire. I doubt anyone in SC cares (as gear will work much better than those buffs), but this is a common way to run day 1 of HC.

It's not a huge issue IF you HPed Master of the Surprising Fist though. The 10 DR generally makes the init boost unnecessary, and the +10 damage is generally plenty, so it's basically just going to slow drops slightly in early zones.

On a side note, yes, being a fist master gives you 10 DR now too (only when unarmed of course). I'm not sure when that change snuck in, but the skill is a far more attractive HP choice for breezing through the low levels now.

Kingdom of Loathing / Definitely wasn't expecting this one
« on: January 27, 2012, 05:10:00 am »
New Events:
01/26/12 10:37:18 PM - Congratulations! You've won second prize in the daily raffle! A raffle box containing your prize is waiting in your inventory!

(Grimicite hammer plans)

Chaos Cluster / A title/rank idea
« on: January 26, 2012, 02:08:16 am »
Our goal is to run the faction with little to no hierarchy, and to generally give players the freedom to do whatever without asking (so long as they're not slaughtering newbies that aren't pvping, or otherwise being a douche). It makes things a lot more fun for everyone, and also makes us highly adaptive - since *anyone* can lead a fight or toss an idea up, so long as they know what they're doing. This also makes us unpredictable, which is always good in a game like this. In short, positive chaos at its finest.

There are 2 keys for the above to actually work, however, the "not a douche" part and "knows what they're doing" part. We've had significant past issues with people wasting huge amounts of resources (generally because they haven't learned how to play yet), and yes, we get the occasional douchebag that needs das boot.

Hiha suggested having 2 non-titled ranks, and I like that idea, and think we should take it a bit further. What I think we should do is this: add a bottom-tier rank system that ensures we teach the game to everyone, and we get a chance to kick the douchebags before they can do any real damage.

This would work as follows:
1. School of Chaos - This is for people who are either absolute newbies, or who we know absolutely nothing about. They would be granted the ability to invite, but no other fac powers. Generally, members will remain here for only a day or two - long enough for someone to teach them the absolute basics, and to make sure they seem like decent people. This would become the default rank (although many people would be instantly promoted to #2).

2. College of Chaos - This is the "not quite a full member" stage, the ability to see levels and observe would be added. How long a player would remain at this rank would depend on activity, overall impression, level, community reputation, etc, but it would typically be a week or two in most cases. The goal here is to get players beyond newbie status, and to make sure we've caught the asshats.

3. Needstopickatitle - You're now a full member, with invite, base, salvage, see level, and observe rights, and may ask for a custom title. (This is identical to the current default rank.) It is of course possible to earn other fac powers, but you need to pick a title first (which likewise, is identical to this title now.)

0. Boarding Das Boot... - Sometimes we got one of those borderline members, where we aren't sure if we need to kick them. This is a probationary title of sorts - it has NO faction powers, and is basically the final warning before the kick, as well as a warning to the rest of the fac to be careful in dealing with this person.

Tinywarz / Shak Loot
« on: January 19, 2012, 09:41:23 am »
Block 1: 1 BE, 1 SW, 1 DV - Sagi
Block 2: 1 BE, 1 SW, 1 DV - Roug
Block 3: WH + Tear - Orc
Block 4: WH + Tear - Tre
Block 5: 2x Tear + SW - Seed
Block 6: 2x Tear + SW - Ash

There was also a 5th SW, but Ash has it, his power is out, and we therefore have no way of getting it. Since he'll get last pick as a result, this should kinda sorta balance out.

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