it's called asdastory,and no thats not a typo. it is a f2p with a minor item mall,and from what i have heard you can advance with out ever buying a thing. i actully lost my self in this game for about 4 hour's i was haveing so much fun. it is clan based with a lot of benift to haveing/belonging to a clan. the graphic's are kind of animeish but very detailed
the game play is seemingly fast paced for the time being. there are 3 battle type's mage,warrior,ranger with massive build styles. there is some type of upgrade system for your wep's and armour again nothing to have to buy like ori stone's. the battle lay out is simple world map battle,monsters can group as i found out
ill let you know ill be inbetween iro and asdastory for the next month and if i leave iro ill split up my stuff between the top ra player,in other words you and trerro