Introductions / my intro,and mini history
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:07:42 pm »
Im The_Black_Assalant/TBA for short,formaly TheBrownator. i joined ra in mid december 04 as a newbie koc player. I quickly made frind's with then Viggodam/viggo and became his officer and he taught me the joy's of destroying someones armory. After about 2 age's of koc i left for runescape with a new freind pilz/aka kerwerble after another 2 years i left for a short stent in atlantica. i then joined iro with trerro and have been there since
feel free to ask me questions of any of the games listed/or about are fourms
feel free to ask me questions of any of the games listed/or about are fourms