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Messages - illuvatar10

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 10, 2010, 04:39:19 pm »
Thanks guys! Oh the good old days back in Age 2....I think my new game of choice might be KoL but I'm gonna try out a few a see which I like.

Introductions / Re: Hello Everyone
« on: April 04, 2010, 07:45:08 pm »
legolas26  :-\

Well I guess i just mean something big like ending a war or just something that has global implications. I agree that he has definitely improved america's image and has definitely eased tensions with several countries that, as of late, america has been less than friendly with. He is re-opening lots of doors and I believe is making significant progress. I definitely agree about letting pointless discussions go on, some of it was a bit ridiculous.

1420r2d- a great blog site that I use it wordpress. Its very handy has a lot of great tools.
As far as jobs go its definitely tough to get a job as I am currently in the job search process right now but I always feel (I know this is a little bit naive) that if you work hard enough in school towards what you want and your passionate about your interests you can succeed. People do value passion and hard work even though sometimes I feel getting a job is 75% knowing someone, but a good resume can get you an interview and if you are truly passionate and dedicated it will show through in your interview.

He definitely did not deserve it. Unless the nobel peace prize is based on pure intention...Obama hasn't done much if anything to merit being awarded the nobel peace prize and although I have no doubt that he "inspired hope" into many people, he has yet to make a significant impact on the global political climate.

Introductions / Hello Everyone
« on: April 03, 2010, 03:06:50 am »
Hey all,
Its nice to see so many familiar people around. Tons of memories after seeing all your names again. I was a part RA several years ago but got swallowed up in real life and sort of drifted away. I've decided to use a new username for the new forums. Its nice to be back and hopefully I'll be able to stay around the forums as long as schoolwork doesn't get in the way.

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