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Messages - scottyikilu

Pages: [1]
Minecraft / Re: Minecraft, again
« on: July 19, 2018, 10:44:31 pm »
My question is are you going to run it through minecraft relms I'm pretty sure you can put what ever mods when want but we don't have to worry making sure it's up all the time may be something to look into see what mod it supports it's also relatively inexpensive. Also I am down to play

Tabletop Campaigns / Discord server for D&D and general rping
« on: June 25, 2018, 07:12:10 pm »
We have made a discord server for just rping and D&D that is different from our normal CC discord the link is if you would like to start anything on the server message Scottyikilu, Trerro or Sonyathefox for a text and or voice channel to be made for you.

CC General Discussion / forum dnd campaign
« on: April 29, 2018, 03:01:16 am »
Hello all i have been playing DnD 5e for alittle now and i was going to give a go at trying to run a campaign on here a play by post kinda thing i am new to dming so it may be alittle rough but i figure id give it ago i think i want to start with a one shot aka a short campaign to Gage interest and to see how well i manage a shorter campaign before moving into something big i would love for some people to try it with me just post a reply if your interested and we will go from there. thanks 

CC General Discussion / firefall the game
« on: June 15, 2013, 08:13:05 am »
there is a game called fire fall fps mmo that i play sonya and tre play it as well and i was wondering if anyone else plays it or is interested in playing i have beta keys if needed message me if you are interested

CC General Discussion / beta sign up wildstar
« on: June 15, 2013, 08:06:33 am »
there is a mmorpg thats called wildstar that looks interesting and would be fun to try out there is even a race with ears and a tail   ;D and i was trying to find out if anyone would want to try it out when it goes into beta which  should be soon and it seems like it has some things with large groups in it from when you sign up it asks about gaming groups i will post a trailer link as well as the beta sign up let me know if any one is interested. thanks


beta sign up

pax preview

League of Legends / Re: Favorite champs?
« on: June 15, 2013, 07:52:00 am »
dunkmaster darius and i like zac and i really am liking the new champ atrox

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: April 08, 2013, 05:35:24 am »
i am good for most days Monday - Thursday  weekends are off besides Sunday night and may have to miss some because of work and rl will let everyone know ahead of time though #i lick windows

Pages: [1]