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Messages - Sonya the fox

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Tinywarz / Mort loot from 2/21/2012
« on: February 22, 2012, 12:40:47 pm »
DeathDealer   7
EDII      3
Gyrojet      8
MDII      7
BDII      1
Promax      7

I kept the Aegis and the MCSU out of the mess, but left everything else that I obtained during the salvage.  The two things that belonged to us already were returned as intact as they were.

Off Topic / Nuggets of TW All Chat
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:18:31 am »
As always read from the bottom up.  Points to anyone who got the reference before it was put out, and does anyone think Ashir knew?


All Chat
 Sonya [3:13am]
Tired foxes should not argue, and definitely should not try to make sense of what they typed.

 ashir_90 [3:13am]

 Sonya [3:12am]

 Sonya [3:12am]
I knew you knew, buy did you know that I knew that you knew? :P

 ashir_90 [3:12am]
was just trollin around 

 ashir_90 [3:12am]
hehe i know what idk meant

 Sonya [3:11am]
"Who's on first?"

 ashir_90 [3:11am]
wheres that banner of "You Got Trolled"?:D

 Amity [3:10am]
im correct. .!! i know

 Amity [3:10am]
i-I D-dont K-know

 ashir_90 [3:10am]
i already know that you dont know..

 ashir_90 [3:09am]
ok who asked you?..;/

 ItsNick [3:09am]

 Sonya [3:09am]
I don't know!

 ItsNick [3:09am]
I dont know u fooooool

 ashir_90 [3:09am]
TELL ME what DOES IDK means?

 ItsNick [3:09am]

 ItsNick [3:08am]
lol u did that yourself

 ashir_90 [3:08am]
stop tryin to embarass me :D

 ashir_90 [3:08am]
i know you dont know so shut up lol

 Amity [3:08am]
away from keyboard]

 ItsNick [3:07am]

 ItsNick [3:07am]
idk means i dont know

 ItsNick [3:07am]

 ashir_90 [3:04am]
anyways Afk..

 ItsNick [3:02am]
yea i dont know

 ashir_90 [3:02am]
OMG no one Knows !

 ItsNick [3:01am]
I dont know? do you know?

 ashir_90 [3:00am]
nick what does Idk means?

 Amity [3:00am]
i dont know ? u

 ashir_90 [3:00am]
what does Idk means?

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: February 11, 2012, 11:56:35 pm »
If you need help beyond this, let me know where your stuck. All of the rules are easy to explain, but not necessarily in obvious places in the rules.

i need an explanation on step 5, and step 7... i need to talk to you about letting me have a neck item that gives +1 CHA, but it's free because it's from someone he lobyd, but he thinks she is dead... and uh...

Also, how many feats do i start with? i'm sorry, but the last time i ever did anything DnD related was in 1.0 rules, which kinda means i need a pm explaining most of character creation to me...

Feats: you get one at levels 1,3,6,9,12,15,18.  Humans get a bonus feat.  These can be spent on anything you meet the pre-reqs for.  Some classes like Fighters get bonus feats, they tell you when you get them and what you can use them on.  Trerro has stated that for this campaign everyone gets one additional feat, similar to how a human gets one.

Hitpoints: every class has a hit die.  For your first level you pretend the hit die rolled the highest possible (so a d8 hit die yields 8 for first level).  All levels beyond your first you roll your hit die and add that to your hit points.  You also get your CON modifier applied to your hitpoints for each level, for better or for worse.  You always get atleast one hit point each level, even if you roll poorly with a negative CON modifier.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: February 10, 2012, 12:27:50 pm »
Okay, allow me to get another ball rolling in this: chat.  Voice or text only?  I figure text will be easier, but that's up to everyone else.  Also, chat device?  If voice I would recommend Skype, I don't know if anything else will support multi-way voice chats.  If text, what messengers does everyone have and what would be best?

I personally don't care what we do, and have so many things to pick from (MSN,gtalk, Skype, xfire...)

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: January 16, 2012, 02:40:58 pm »
Hopefully I wasn't the cause of any of those, Karthus vs Kassadin is a wipeout, as is anyone with good manueverability and adept at playing dodgeball  Nevermind the fact I once went up against Soraka down bot and got hosed before the 2 minute mark (including the minute 20 it takes to get out of base).  Quite interesting when I have to face another karthus, last one we were a dead even matching, we literally got nothing done the whole game down there.
I actually like playing not just Dominion, but the All Random stuff in the custom games.  The one for dominion involves all players being limited to the lower two towers after a random dealing on the champion selection, anywhere south of the speed shrine being fair game, even bushes unlike the random on the Rift.  Xereth is great fun on those matches as one of the biggest rules is no backing, via recall or walking back the long way, which makes him an excellent sniper for wounded enemies.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: January 08, 2012, 01:53:13 pm »
Only just occured to me - what sort of time are you planning on doing this? Obviously if you're going to be running the chat room games while I'm at work or asleep I can't really join in :P

As of right now the time frame  I absolutely cannot attend is approx noon to 5 on a Sunday, possibly as long as noon to 7.  Beyond that I haven't gotten any activities in set time slots yet.... :(

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: January 05, 2012, 10:11:19 am »
Heh. I'm sure Sonya and my character are going to get along famously~

My own character idea is to reroll an old druid I had back in one of Trerro's older campaigns. It was a fox actually; no hybrid, but an actual, normal fox. Only, effected by another druid's Awaken spell, and thus intelligent.

I rather like druid for the whole.. healer with extra utility bit, personally. Gear tends to be tricky, but animals do have barding slots. Plus amusing roleplaying possibilities are endless.

*giggles* Well, I could also go with the animal form, too, or perhaps the translator. :P  I'm gonna have to bounce back and forth with you on roleplay ideas for this, we could have a fair bit of fun with them. ^^

Other Games / Re: Should I start up my Terraria server?
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:44:26 am »
Since I know any Terraria players are gonna look here, I'm gonna also state that I have plenty of things to trade, as well as some copper, iron, and spare drops to help get people some basic equipment.  I also have a Magic Mirror to spare (20 mana to bring yourself to your spawn point) and a few other things.  Oh, I also have three of the almighty Grappling Hook, you won't be able to go without it after using it for a while.

Off Topic / Re: D&D Campaign Info
« on: January 05, 2012, 07:05:03 am »
I'll just put in right now that I am playing Hengyoki from the Oriental Adventures book, what class I'm looking for I don't know for sure yet, depends on the party I guess.  I would like to trade off the shapechanger thing (natural ability to shapeshift into a limited set of forms) in exchange for dumping the level adjustment.  I would basically be stuck in hybrid form of fox.

EDIT: I can run Rogue, Wizard, Sorcerer, 'possibly' a cleric, though I'm a bit down on that due to a Wisdom penalty.  Just need to know what the party has/needs

Minecraft / Re: Minecraft server
« on: January 04, 2012, 03:07:58 am »
Only thing I'd like is a copy of the world as it is.  Otherwise, I don't care one way or another, I haven't really be playing Minecraft that much lately

Off Topic / Re: D&D
« on: January 02, 2012, 05:54:25 am »
I happen to have Maptools already, I do have to ask some questions though:
Any odd varients or some such used? (example: spell point system)

Just to start, I know not much would be figured out at this point but those are biggies I'd like to know about.

Other Games / Re: Should I start up my Terraria server?
« on: December 31, 2011, 09:08:14 pm »
I finally broke down and bought it off of Steam today while it was half off, installing it now and trying out the single player.

Other Games / Re: League of Legends
« on: December 26, 2011, 09:04:42 pm »
"Firewind127", and I usually run around as Karthus 90% of the time.  Still want the old soraka back.  I prefer to play on the Crystal Scar where my deaths aren't quite as damaging as on the Rift.

Other Games / Re: Neverwinter Night
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:08:18 pm »
Okay, I only have the gold version of NWN (Only has the first of thw two expansions).  NWN2 though, from what I've gathered, is supposed to be a fair bit better, and it and its expansions are available through Steam for $9.99 until the 2nd.  I'm getting it this Christmas with some of my Christmas money.

Other Games / Neverwinter Night
« on: December 21, 2011, 02:44:45 am »
I've gotta ask: does anyone still have this game and possibly play it?  I'm part way through the campaign but I think it'd be a heck of a lot more enjoyable by playing it with others.

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