Chaos Cluster

Game & Guild Forums => Kingdom of Loathing => Topic started by: GPH on April 06, 2011, 08:17:55 pm

Title: VIP lounge
Post by: GPH on April 06, 2011, 08:17:55 pm
This months IotM got me thinking. Should we think about saving as a guild for items for a VIP lounge? Or should we just carry on as we are?

Obviously 3 Mr As + 1 Mr A each is a very heavy investment for some relatively minor benefits

On the other hand if we ever do decide to invest it'll be more expensive...although the VIP room is nearing fullness now so I assume they'll start releasing alternatives.

(incidently I still have two Crimboughs I think :P)
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: Trerro on April 06, 2011, 10:50:25 pm
I think it depends on a few things...

1. How many of the previous VIP items do we already have?
2. How many of them work in HC?
3. How many of us are willing to burn days of play (farming meat) or cash (Mr. As) to make this happen?

I'm definitely willing to chip in some cash, adventures, or both for this, as a well-stocked VIP room could be useful for recruiting purposes, clan dungeon runs, and if it does work in HC, well... pretty much everywhere.

As far as farming goes, I'm currently doing a no-clobyr Hardcore run, so I won't be able to do much until I finish this run, which will take about a week. My NEXT run, however, is going to be the dreaded all black cat run, during which I will be completely useless to the clan, so hopefully we'll know what we're doing by then. :)

Edit: lol @ clobyr, that one's definitely going to confuse people :P

Edit #2: Yes, it works in HC. We now have the shower, and 2 VIP passes have been placed in clan storage. :)
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: GPH on April 07, 2011, 07:00:40 pm
Well that answers that :P

Yay for generous Trerro

So, does anyone else have crimboughs?

If so, do we want to sell them for 9-10mil each and buy a pool table/looking glass etc or assemble as is?

Decisions decisions :P

Of course trerros generousity has a downside... we have a hard enough time distributing hobopolis items because we're all so polite :o
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: Trerro on April 09, 2011, 05:35:10 am
I think it would be better to use the crimboughs if we have them. The looking glass and pool table seem to be increasing in price at a much, much slower rate.

As for the fax machine, that's 400k, so someone not in hardcore should just buy it with part of the clan stash.

Also, who currently has the VIP key?

If we can figure out how many crimboughs are in clan, and how many more keys are needed, we'll know exactly what we need to max out the VIP room.
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: Tyred on April 10, 2011, 06:24:23 pm
I'm currently sitting on about 45 mill in cash if we desperately need one of the purchasable items.

PM me in-game.
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: Galeesa on April 12, 2011, 12:09:14 pm
I have a fax machine that i bought during crimbo. I'll put that up as soon as i log in. drill was this weekend and we were out in the field... otherwise i would've done it already :-p

...and fax machine has been installed :) i think that the clan looking class would be a nice addition, if we pass on the pool table. You can sell your daily drink me potion or work the little quest after freeing ralph each run. (since it requires multiple runs to complete without trading) I went and got myself a VIP key today and set it so that initiates CANNOT draw 0 karma items from the stash. Don't want some stranger coming in and snagging those or our ppl on the whitelist. I've got about 16 mil if we need to pool our meat together :)

Edit:  I almost forgot to mention the mad hatter's daily buff, and to say that i have 0 crimboughs :(
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: GPH on May 03, 2011, 12:31:32 pm
I haven't got round to getting a VIP key yet but I've put my two crimboughs up.

Pretty broke at the moment but once I've finished ronin I'll put what I can into the clan store for the remaining 3 :)
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: Tyred on May 05, 2011, 10:13:29 pm
I wouldn't worry about the tree. It doesn't look like it is exceptionally worthwhile for the 30 million it would be, anyway. Are those gifts worth it? I doubt it.
Title: Re: VIP lounge
Post by: GPH on May 05, 2011, 10:51:22 pm

Don't think you can get them back once you've put them up so...damn? :D