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Messages - Trerro

Pages: 1 ... 35 36 [37] 38 39
Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: October 14, 2009, 09:09:39 pm »
Tax collectors show up at your house with weapons to make sure they have the money.

I wish Oars didn't reject science.

Thread Games / Re: The rhyming picture game
« on: October 14, 2009, 07:24:24 pm »
I see your winning football play, and show it to a man made of clay.

Thread Games / Re: The 3 word story game - Round 1
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:58:05 pm »
sent the monkeys

Thread Games / Re: The 3 word story game - Round 1
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:52:03 pm »
telepathically control them.

Profile->Look and Layout Preferences->Check the box that says, "Return to topics after posting by default".

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:44:05 pm »
You do, but they accidentally made it from green glass.

I wish someone had figured out dolphin languages well enough for us to talk to them.

Thread Games / Re: The 3 word story game - Round 1
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:40:25 pm »
on a device

Spam Factory & Containment Facility / Re: Count to X!
« on: October 14, 2009, 08:19:04 am »

I win! :P

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:57:55 am »
The earth's rotation slows to the point that a day lasts a full month. Unfortunately, this causes the side not facing the sun to freeze over, making it very difficult to live outside of currently tropical areas.

I wish all house chores were performed by robots.

Thread Games / Re: The 3 word story game - Round 1
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:54:28 am »
I gained the

Thread Games / Re: The rhyming picture game
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:53:35 am »
I tried to use your device to automate, but it decided to detonate!

(and nah, I used for the instant translation.)

CC General Discussion / FYI, logins work... just not quite how you think
« on: October 14, 2009, 02:28:06 am »
When you create an RA account, you're actually making 2 accounts with the same username and password. One of these is for the forums, and the other is your RA account, which currently does basically nothing, but has a ton of stuff coming in future releases (a new xp system, some kind of guild system, some tools, etc.).

Currently, although the signup script creates both accounts, they otherwise aren't linked, which means that when you log into the menu bar, all that really happens is the prompt disappears and you get a logout button. This is, understandably, confusing a lot of people.

This means that yes, logging into the menu does NOT currently log you into the forums as well.

The next release is going to have the beginnings of the RA account actually doing stuff so it's not pointless, and I'm going to try to fully link the logins, so a login on the menubar WILL doubly log you in - although that may be the release after, depending on how hard that turns out to be. (Long story short, the forum has some nice protection to prevent script-based logins (stops spammers), but it's well... blocking script-based logins, including the RA one coming from the same machine. :P I need to find a workaround to this, or failing that, I may just disable the check as I can't imagine spammers going out of their way to target us to that extent.)

The next release will be on November 1st if you're wondering.

Feedback & Bug Reports / Re: log in error's
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:33:18 pm »
There's actually 2 logins, your forum one, and your RA one.
If you're getting the login prompt on the menubar, but NOT the forums, then it's actually working fine. (RA accounts currently have no longterm option, I'm going to fix this on next release.)
If it IS actually logging you out of the forums, then you likely have cookies turned off, or you didn't use the same browser.

If none of these are the case, let me know... but it's been holding my forum login fine.

Feedback & Bug Reports / Re: Hyperlinks do not underline
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:13:59 pm »
When posting a hyperlink to a URL, the link does not underline, and the text does not change colors, like a hyperlink should.

This is just how they did the forum skin - you can change the default rules of HTML in a CSS file. The links actually DO change color, albeit from grey to black, so if you have an LCD that doesn't do shades of grey well, it may not be noticeable.

I agree the no underline thing is bad, so I'm going to change that right after I post this. If people are still having trouble telling what's a link and what isn't, I'll also make links red or blue.

Looking up the prize, it's supposed to go to
the person who during the preceding year [...] shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.
(I'm quoting Wikipedia here, but I doubt they'd get that wrong.)

The key words there being "the most or the best" - if we get a year where there's no obvious choice, SOMEONE has to get it, and it has to be based on their actions that year. They may have decided that there simply wasn't anyone of Gandhi's or Mother Teresa's caliber this year, and Obama's efforts, while they've achieved little thus far, do satisfy the criteria, especially the "holding and promotion of peace congresses", which is certainly something that very much distinguishes Obama from Bush.

The specific words they chose in awarding him the prize were:
for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples

That is a major trait of his foreign policy, so they clearly didn't just pull it out of their asses.

So, there's 2 ways this can be invalid:
1. There's a more worthy recipient. I can't think of a super obvious name here, so while Obama is a weak choice, I'm not sure there actually was a better one. AFAIK, no serious progress was made in the middle east in the last year, no major diseases were cured, no dictatorships fell, no wars were ended... I really can't think of any case where one person did something hugely significant to award the prize on, so they have to settle with the best they can get. Obama's a rather weak choice, but the question isn't whether he was a weak choice, it's whether they were was a better one. I honestly don't know... I WANT to believe there is, but I certainly can't think of one.
2. He stands against the criteria the prizes are awarded on. You could certainly argue that sending more troops to Afghanistan is hardly "reducing standing armies", but then if the goal is to get all troops out of Iraq, while increasing troops in Afghanistan by a smaller amount, the overall balance is actually a reduction. Of course, he doesn't seem to be doing anything to speed up Iraq withdrawal, so this could be an issue. Gitmo he neither started nor made worse, so I don't think he can be DQed for that - although this is another thing that could make another candidate stand out more. Continuing warantless wiretapping is certainly a black mark on his record, but then at the same time he's protected net neutrality and he's improved government transparency... perhaps they decided these cancel out? There's certainly places to criticize, but I don't see anything Kissinger-level.

As Oars has pointed out, there's been a lot of controversial choices, the Kissinger one especially, which actually caused 2 of 5 committee members to resign.

Gandhi actually DID get one, but posthumously (see the Wikipedia article or the peace prize site.)

So... I think some of the choices for the prize have been terrible, but I don't think it's happened so often that it's a farce.

So, in the absence of any giant red "you can't give it to someone who did X!" and the absence of anyone suggesting a better choice, I can see why they'd pick Obama, although I really, REALLY hope they missed someone. If what he did really was the largest move towards world peace in the last year, we've got issues. :P

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