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Author Topic: Intro to Tinywarz Part: 1 Weapon types  (Read 6197 times)


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Intro to Tinywarz Part: 1 Weapon types
« on: November 05, 2010, 04:38:47 am »
Hello all, and welcome to my first attempt at a newbie guide for Tinywarz (dropshock);  To get the ball rolling I will first talk about what threw me off the game, and nearly made me quit; Aiming and Different gun classes.

First Lets look at Aiming, there are many things that effect your hit %:

The first and most important is your move speed; Each unit has 2 speeds listed, Controlled, and Max, Max is how fast you can move in a single turn, while Controlled, is the most you *should* move if you want to hit things. If you're moving at max speed, You're near impossible to hit just about anything.  If you don't move at all you also gain a hit bonus.

Another thing to consider, although not nearly as important, is if the target has moved or not, If yes, You're less likely to hit it then if it hasn't

Smaller things also effect it, such as: Any skills you may have on you, or on the target; or if there is several units stacked on top each other.  Different guns also have different types of range to them, we will talk about that in a moment

Alrighty onto the three classes of gun, theirs Ballistic, Missile, and Energy, each act differently

First, the most straight forward one: Ballistic:

Simple enough, fire at any distance under the listed range, keep the ammo up with skills.  Very good to start with, but can be annoying without the use of Ammo Drop ability

Onto Missile:

This one you may look at the range and be like "meep? three?"  What you need to remember is that's the MINIMUM RANGE, if you try to fire at anything under that range you will have a very hard time (but not impossible time) hitting your target. The ideal range is between the listed, and double the listed, so in the case of a four range missile, your ideal range is 4-8, as close to eight as possible. Once again, keep ammo topped up or you wont be killing anything.

And Finally, my personal favorite; Energy:

This one may seem less appealing at first, because it has the weakest range of all the classes, but really, it can potentially do the most damage.  First lets look at the stats, the main thing to notice is the lack of an ammo icon, instead replaced by a lightning bolt.  Energy weapons do not run out of ammo, but they DO have cool-downs (that can be avoided with mods/skills) lets say a energy weapon has 10 damage, and 5 range. Energy weapons also give a bonus to damage depending on how far under the max range you shoot,  So if you hit a target at two range with said gun, you're likely to do roughly 13, not the expected 10 damage, this is important with energy weapons, anyone with a heavy energy meka will want to get as close as possible to their target for max damage.

That about concludes the basic look at weapon types and their effects. Thankyou for reading, If you have any questions, either reply here, or mail me directly in game, Happy hunting!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 04:52:03 am by Lomaz »