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Messages - Aamer

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
CC General Discussion / Re: CC logo
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:56:08 am »
so hows this?

CC General Discussion / Re: CC logo
« on: February 12, 2010, 03:28:19 am »
i think everyone is one the same page. black wouldnt work, obvi.  and it needs some busyness to it

CC General Discussion / Re: CC logo
« on: February 11, 2010, 05:02:04 am »
hahahahahahhaahahhaa you guys make me laugh. i like your picture full of unicorns and hydras but is that really the message we want to send out? unicorns and hydras.... man... that had me cracking up.

i like your general idea a lot bman. maybe we can jazz it up a bit more but i really like the classy look of it. maybe instead of the center being black is got a something popping out of it. and the background also have something. but that in the middle would be really cool

ps- im not trying to rip on your thing blob, it just threw me a bit :p

Serious Discussions and Debates / Re: How to find a job in a tough economy
« on: December 14, 2009, 07:45:20 pm »
if you've got the capitol to spend... i would suggest getting yourself into the housing markets.. and rather, into renting a place or space out. no matter how bad the economy is, you have to thinkin about the things people need. one of which is housing. with this market, houses are cheap and you can find a renter pretty fast because os many people were kicked out for not paying taxes and such. also, if you're already in a good place (have a job that pays enough to take care of the bills) you should invest your estra cash in SOMETHING ... almost anything will do. stocks, gold, houses... because we're all young enough were a small enough investment now will turn into a HUGE return when the market rebounds.

now, if you're out looking for a job now, it depends on your experiences. A college grad is gonna have it hard now... you're not gonna get a good job now a days. i would suggest taking your time to get a masters now in your field. after another 2 (or so) years of school, living off of loans, the market will bounce back OR you'll be more competitive in the market. (note, you may have to take bachelors degree wages even if you have a masters...)
if college isnt yoru bag (and it isnt mine)... find a trade you're good at or like doing and just apprentice or intern with a major company. sure, you wont get paid a lot, but you'll move up faster and get paid relatively more and faster than the college job. don't waste your time working at a grocery store or flipping burgers... that doesn't get you very far. try being a cake decorator instead or a mechanic or (the recession proof) technical theatre/design.

point is, use this time to expand your knowledge and do it while working or wait till a bounce back in the economy and live off of loans.

freelancing certain jobs is very good now a days. you can undercut larger companies because you have no over head so people will be more willing to hire less experience or worse quality to save a couple of bucks. for example, if you're into web design... you can undercut a corporation doign the same thing.... if thats your bag... i would suggest that you incorporate yourself now! run all of your work through the (S class) company so you can write EVERYTHING off as a business expense... like gas and internet bills and such. and if you deal in a field were you're likely to get sued, you can always protect yourself and your credit and your money.

i'm willing to expand on any one of those ideas if you're interested :)

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: December 14, 2009, 11:29:58 am »
you do and never see how lit changes the coarse of history... sad... thus committing suicide...

i wish i was paid overtime for my 90 hour weeks

Introductions / Re: its JD time woot
« on: December 14, 2009, 11:26:08 am »
HOLY CRAP   WASSIM! JD! BROTHER! what's up man (woot) welcome back to the forum...

i know im about a month late... but man have i been busy :)

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: December 11, 2009, 06:21:43 am »
they didnt catch you speeding and instead you hit a man walking in the streets wearing black so you didnt see him... you instead get charged with vehicular homicide

i wish everyone gave to those in need

Off Topic / Re: We are having a baby
« on: December 10, 2009, 05:03:09 am »
i wonder if you made this same disinterested reaction when you found out :p

Off Topic / Re: We are having a baby
« on: December 08, 2009, 06:11:19 am »
nice dude, congrats on everything. making a family is a wonderful adventure.

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:51:50 pm »
spacecrafts become affordable to the common man.. so much so that almost everyone owns a spacecraft...  but jet fuel costs shoot up as the demand goes up. everyone is stuck with a spacecraft in there backyard with nothing to put inside. politicians than attempt to pass law and regulations on space travel and fuel consumption while activists turn into "star huggers"... (i tried to corrupt it, but it really just sounds like life now but with space cars)

i wish people would have the guts to stand up for what they believe it right more often instead of sitting around and waiting for something to change.

Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:38:17 pm »
are we talking actors? or if these people where real? if it's actors i would say "hey, it must suck having that stuck on your name for the rest of your life" if it's the real crew.. umm... i think i'd talk about the techonologies they have that i dont understand. maybe talk to people about spirituality and it's connection to conciousness... all and all, i'd really just like to smoke up with them and see where it takes me.

if you where stuck at a low paying job that you loved to do but took up the majority of your life and left no time for you to do OTHER things you like to do...

its was bearsus! lets all laugh at him! HAHAHA :p

Introductions / Re: umm
« on: November 11, 2009, 07:25:15 pm »
welcome back Brenda! still an iron maiden fan?

Spam Factory & Containment Facility / Re: Count to X!
« on: October 24, 2009, 08:33:21 pm »
22.. my birthday

Spam Factory & Containment Facility / Re: Count to 2000 with a twist
« on: October 24, 2009, 08:32:43 pm »
pet= serbian for 5

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