Chaos Cluster

Game & Guild Forums => Kingdom of Loathing => Topic started by: Trerro on March 04, 2011, 05:01:50 am

Title: Epic Failure
Post by: Trerro on March 04, 2011, 05:01:50 am
So, as I write this, 999 hippies and 999 frat boys are dead.
I'm in hardcore.
Wanna guess what isn't in my inventory? :P
Title: Re: Epic Failure
Post by: Galeesa on March 04, 2011, 04:53:26 pm
im going to take a stab in the dark and guess... a hypnodisk! :-P just out of curiosity, did you do the hippy side first because there's an adv on the frat side that will adv the hippies once you've gotten them down low enough. i haven't tried for it myself but i remember quite a few ppl complaing when the quest first rolled out.

maybe next time :)
Title: Re: Epic Failure
Post by: Trerro on March 04, 2011, 08:51:14 pm
I did the kill the hippies first, but no such thing came up. Jick may have tossed that adventure, as yeah, that's completely unreasonable for something that takes so long to set up.

I actually did get the Wossname, but I dropped hardcore to do it. That 999x2 thing is not something I want to do twice. :P
Title: Re: Epic Failure
Post by: Lomaz on March 05, 2011, 08:12:26 am
One day i'll know what the hell people are talking about in this area of the forums, i promise :P
Title: Re: Epic Failure
Post by: Tyred on March 07, 2011, 12:13:37 am
I never knew that bug existed. Huh.

Well, there's always ways around the Wossname conundrum (dropping HC, looking at the wiki to learn the super-fast way of doing it).
Title: Re: Epic Failure
Post by: GPH on March 11, 2011, 08:37:25 am
My Green Clover of Justice stands as a testament to my failure to complete the quest.

...and I've only ascended once since the quest was introduced.

..I really need to actually get round to ascending :P