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Messages - Viggo

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Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: November 13, 2009, 10:01:59 pm »
are we talking actors? or if these people where real? if it's actors i would say "hey, it must suck having that stuck on your name for the rest of your life" if it's the real crew.. umm... i think i'd talk about the techonologies they have that i dont understand. maybe talk to people about spirituality and it's connection to conciousness... all and all, i'd really just like to smoke up with them and see where it takes me.

if you where stuck at a low paying job that you lobyd to do but took up the majority of your life and left no time for you to do OTHER things you like to do...

Is this is a question?  If I could find a job that I actually loved doing I would try to find a way to make it work.  If I wasn't married or had anything in my life that wasn't as in important, then I would stick with it.  I'd rather spend the majority of my time doing something that I loved to do, even if it didn't get me ahead in life.  If I was married or had children or both(crosses fingers) then I would quit.  Even though I loved my job, I love my family more and if I couldn't spend time with them then it wouldn't be worth it.  Also, if I had to miss spending time with my family, I would make sure I had a good paying job, at least then they would be supported, even if it did suck to some degree.

There's a family of kittens outside in your backyard every night.  They make a lot of noise at night.  You try to scare them away but they keep coming back.  You figure you will have to do something drastic to get them to leave you alone.  Do you just accept it and the next night leave them some food, or do you draw the line and the next night leave them food littered with poison?

Other Games / Re: Got a browser game?
« on: November 13, 2009, 09:55:17 pm »
Thanks for the info.  The official pages were quite misleading.  I don't even think its worth looking into.  I was almost thinking to myself that it was too good of a game, one that actually doesn't require you to spend loads of money to advance in the game, but once again it falls into that category. 

Other Games / Re: Got a browser game?
« on: November 10, 2009, 09:39:30 pm »
I've been told some good things about a game called "Mabinogi".  It requires a client download, but other than that its a free game.  I think donating might get you specials items, but don't give any real advantage (You know the items that are rare and the such that have unique skins and appearances but are identical in stats to other game items.  Basically I've heard they are items that just show off that you are rich/donated)  I haven't had time to play it, but it seems like it might be fun.  I'll give it a definite try this weekend.  Anyways just thought it would be cool to have more options in games.  Cheers.

Off Topic / Re: Downtime
« on: November 10, 2009, 09:32:46 pm »
I used to have a really nice bike that I would be willing to trade ya for your car.  Haha.  Actually about 2 weeks ago I got hit by a guy that thought the Stop sign wasn't actually a command but just a polite request.  Regardless he slowed down but then peeled out and turned into me.  It was a big truck, so instead of going over his hood or being ejected about 20 yards back, I basically just got destroyed into the ground and then skidded a little.  I was more banged up and bruised than I was cut.  In fact just 1 hand got cut real bad, and both my ankles, but that was it.  It used to be a nice bike, and now its being held together by duct tape and the such.  The moral is you are never too cool to wear a helmet.  It probably didn't save my life, but it probably prevented me from having a serious head injury.  That being said, I got the next day off which was nice.  Oh by the way, my current part time job in the city is delivering sandwiches in downtown detroit.  I haven't got Michigan Insurance yet so I've been using my bike.  Its fast and effective because of all the traffic and lights.  So when I say I got 1 day off, thats really not saying much seeing the next day I had to work.  In general I live 4 miles away, so thats 8 miles round trip, and usually bike about 5-10 miles during the work day, pending that I'm not closing then its more like 8-12.  Even though its not the best job, its not bad.  I'm only getting around 20 hours a week.  Thats about $100 a week off wages since I'm paid below minimal wage.  On the up side, I usually make between $150-200 in tips each week.  So on a really good work, im making $300 a week.  And at 20 hours a week that comes to $15 an hour.  So its not bad for a start right now.  Plus I have a good deal of downtime each day, and thats nice since I've been working full time for almost 2 years now. 

Introductions / Re: umm
« on: November 10, 2009, 01:22:35 am »
Welcome back to the Rising Alliance.  Apparently we've been rising this whole time you've been gone, so we are way far up now :)

Introductions / Re: my intro,and mini history
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:34:33 pm »
Finally! Harry makes his triumphed return.  You and me are just two little white guys in the big world, its fun though.   I saw your facebook status the other day, and its considerably hilarious.  "We all of us are Stars.  We all deserve to twinkle." I don't know what the context behind it was, or why you said it, but just the way it was said is funny for me.   Anyways I just wanted to say hi in my own little special way :P

Other Games / Re: Got a browser game?
« on: November 03, 2009, 01:47:31 am »
Why did you pick purple?  Whats wrong with Periwinkle? :P

Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:40:09 pm »
I guess I would donate 10%, gamble away another 10%, and then I would buy houses on a fault line and hope that in 30 days an earthquake would destroy them all :)

They've discovered a cure for AIDS (hurray?).  In order to make it available to everyone that has it the government will have to spend billions of dollars of tax payers money in order to set up government programs so that they are available to everyone without bankrupting them.  What would you do, allow it to be available to all or not?

Thread Games / Re: The corrupt a wish game
« on: October 29, 2009, 11:34:05 pm »
You now have your own smilie.  But its actually not a happy face, its the face that someone makes when they just got punched in the face.

I wish I had a new bike for riding to work
(no getting hit corruptions please, i just got hit 2 days ago and im still hurting from it)

Thread Games / Re: The rhyming picture game
« on: October 25, 2009, 07:16:47 pm »
Kevin spacy is not that man, and for posting kevin bacon i'm going to slap you with this hand.

this is kevin spacey

Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:56:19 pm »
I dont think I could afford the money to restore the old classic.  The driving factor is that a lot of times your parents try to pass off their values on life onto you.  Thats good when it comes to having manners, loving others and other sorts, but they also sometimes try to get you into whatever it was that they like.  They are getting older and like reliving their memories through and sometimes you have to politely tell them that its your life and that those things are just not for you.  That being said I would take a new Lamborghini, drive it around a few times, sell it and then be able to afford a house

You've been accused of murder and found guilty by a jury of your peers.  You have been told you are receiving your last meal and you can any food/meal that you want.  What's your choice? And afterwards you can try to have a daring escape, but its just not smart to attempt it on an empty stomach :P

Thread Games / Re: The what would you do game.
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:13:29 am »
I'll go with the surprise answer.  I've take the hollywood actress.  I would marry her, have intimacy (sex) with her and have all sorts of fun before divorcing her, taking half her fortune and then finding the person that would truely love me for me and not just my incredibly good looks and hot body.  Not the answer you were expecting i bet ;)

You've had a rough day (nothing sexual :P ) and you have your choice of liquor, beer or wine to make the night more enjoyable.  What's your preferred drink.  This wont suggest that you are an alcoholic, just needed a reason for the choice's of alcohol.

Thread Games / Re: Above you
« on: October 25, 2009, 06:07:35 am »
is not allergic to cats

Off Topic / Downtime
« on: October 24, 2009, 03:01:46 pm »
Since the new site has been up its been for me like a little reunion with everyone.  I'd figured that I would start a topic that would help me get to re know everyone and it could be helpful to new members.  Anyways the topic is downtime.  What does everyone here like to do when they are not working (ie. have downtime).  

Since its my topic I'll start us off.  Years ago if I wasnt working I would constantly be on my computer.  Playing games, listening to music, and watching videos.  I could spend 6 hours easy an afternoon just playing games.  That has definitely calmed down as the years have gone by.  Now when I have downtime I like to read, do creative writing, work on fixing the house (my friends and I just moved into a permanent address and so we still have boxes and stuff everywhere until we can find a place for them), and listening to music.  My roommates are helping me learn to play the guitar too.  We are also big LoTR fans and have watched the trilogy almost 2 complete times in the month and a half ive been here.  I also like getting online and checking out my favorite sites (rising alliance, facebook, hotmail, youtube)  When the weather warms up hopefully there will be a lot of sports.  I enjoy hockey and soccer personally.

Thread Games / Re: Above you
« on: October 24, 2009, 02:22:29 pm »
Worked hard for his 99 attack and 99 strength

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