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Messages - Sonya the fox

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Minecraft / Re: Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: December 05, 2011, 03:49:22 pm »
Looks like we have new improvements to look forward to once we can get a working jar, v1.337 of IC2 has been released with some nice little improvements it seems.  No I haven't attempted to run it yet, I've been a bit out of it lately and didn't want to blow anything up.

Minecraft / Re: Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: December 01, 2011, 09:01:33 am »
I can try just updating the jar we have now, but it may not suffice.  Worst comes to worst I just reload the world and resume being on v1.15.

Minecraft / Re: Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: November 29, 2011, 12:31:23 am »
Performing the upgrade now, world has not been backed up just yet as the jars are not ready.  You will need:
IC2 v1.23
MC beta v1.8.1, prepared with the stuff listed in (NOTE: You MUST get MCForge again as it has moved up to 1.1.2 since our server upgrade to IC2 v1.15, your forge may be out of date at 1.1.1)
IC Efficiency v0.7
AdvGenerators pr5
Charging Bench v1.23-2b
RocketScience is not SMP compatable yet, do not try to connect with it.
I will make further announcements when I conduct the actual upgrade, right now I am doing the prep work on the jars on my side of the wire and leaving the server running.

EDIT: I can't update until I get a clean server jar.  I am hoping that Trerro, as the one who set this server up to begin with, can shoot me a copy of the jar as I don't think simply editing the one on the server now will suffice

Minecraft / Re: Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: November 26, 2011, 04:51:04 am »
Okay, I think I've left this up long enough, seems like we're installing the fix, AdvGenerators, and the Charging Bench.  Rocketscience will be installed once it has support for SMP, meanwhile Iron Chests is on hold until it gets all of the problems beaten out of it and it is declared v1.0 or greater.  The forcefield I do have to go with trerro on it, not to mention I'm having a beast of a time deciphering the description of all of the components to it.  I will ask that everyone take a quick inventory of their things (screenshots are usually the quickest way but as long as you can give me an "I had <this> and now I don't" type of answer after the upgrade then I don't care.  I will be making a backup, of course, just before the upgrade takes place, and I will list exact version numbers of everything and link their threads to avoid any botches.  Remember, these mods are applied to your IC2 1.23 jar, not your MC 1.8.1 jar!

Minecraft / Re: Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: November 24, 2011, 04:47:13 am »
We can't do this now, 1.0.0 came out....
So why can't this be done?  How does Minecraft 1.0 affect us running beta 1.8.1 with IC2 v1.23?

Minecraft / Re: 2.0 Vanilla or 1.8 Industrial
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:49:16 pm »
I would suggest possibly restarting (if anything using the same seed and moving our creations over to exactly where they are) when we get up to the new MC and IC2 gets updated to it because I do believe that there will be new ores and stuff in the ground at that point.  Alternatively, I can op in a rather long minetrack in the nether to take us out to a far away land when the time comes.  I stand by IC2 1.23 and MC 1.8.1 until that time though.

Minecraft / Re: 2.0 Vanilla or 1.8 Industrial
« on: November 20, 2011, 09:44:51 am »
I'd personally prefer to remain as we are, however I will state this now: I'll do whatever I can with editors to transfer anyone's creations over onto a new world should we chose to make a new world.  I still stand by upgraded to IC2 1.23 and getting minimum the quantum and solar fixes.

Minecraft / Upgrade to 1.23 and with meep?
« on: November 17, 2011, 03:54:37 am »
I propose that we update to IC2 v1.23 and install the patch someone made that fixes quantum crashes and solar lag.  I would also like to suggest that we consider some of the add-ons in the IC2 forum.  My choices would be: AdvGenerators, Charging Bench, Iron Chests, and possibly the Modular Force Field Generator and Rocket Science.  I want to hear some input from everyone, please.

Okay, since I can't find the poll button, I'm gonna ask everyone put votes of yes/no/abstain for each of the add-ons, or if they even want to update to 1.23.

Link to addons subforum:
Some of the ones I listed are in Pending Addons, a subforum of that subforum.

EDIT: *goes hunting for trerro to get the filter cleaned out*

EDIT2: (2 votes, mine not included)
AdvGenerators: 1/0/1
Rocket Science: 2/0/0 (unavailable currently, no SMP support)
Charging Bench: 1/0/1
Iron Chests: 0/1/1 (+1 when v1)
Force Field: 0/1/0

Minecraft / Re: Operation "E" Underway.
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:03:28 am »
Just to let you know, 3 matter in the middle column makes a single lava source block.  Not cheap, I know, but it will let you make lava if you can't find any

Minecraft / Re: A fix in sight!
« on: November 07, 2011, 12:28:49 am »
If another reset does occur, I'll personally see what I can do about using a map editor to move entire creations over 'whole', including spawning the new world using the same seed so that things fit unless popular demand (only people who have built in this world get to vote on that one) wants to run a new seed, in which case creations will get saved until they can be placed.  The creation moving is in addition to shifting loot/resources/machines/whatever.

Anyway, that said, that addon forum on the official IC2 forum is definitely worth looking through, I'll post a new thread with some of the ones I kinda like, the only one I've actually tried is the charging bench, which looks like a handy tool to have around now that it's a (de)charging bench.

Other Games / Re: Core Exiles
« on: November 05, 2011, 04:21:42 am »
Sadly we won't know until you hit level 20, that's when I'm supposed to 'claim' you and we both get stuff.

Other Games / Core Exiles
« on: November 03, 2011, 02:41:08 am »
Just thought I'd put out another browser based game that's f2p, though there are some store-bought bonuses available.  It is totally non-pvp, the official game IRC chat has maybe 20 people in it at a time, all decent folk and almost always a mod or two present to take out the trash when it tumbles in, and lots of helpful people and guilds.

When you join, there's a refer-a-friend program going on, my username is Sonya the fox, make sure you get that right because it's free stuff for you to do it. Also drop me a note in-game as well as Aello Starfire for a guild invite to Academy of Intelliquest, the newbie branch of the guild I'm a part of.  One of the things the guild does is a list of 'missions' that involve making you learn some of the ropes in exchange for credits and certain loaner gear that makes things easier on you.

Forgive me for giving a poor 'sales pitch', it's why I'm not a salesperson. :P

Minecraft / Re: A fix in sight!
« on: November 01, 2011, 12:48:44 am »
If it happens to be when I'm on, it 'might' have something to do with when I suddenly switch to far view, I'm not sure.  Maybe far view right after I step through a portal.  Just possibilities of what could be causing such chunk loading.

Minecraft / Re: A fix in sight!
« on: October 31, 2011, 05:49:28 pm »
Okay, after playing with 1.23 on SSP, construction foam is similar to obsidian, even in that it blocks nukes semi-well.  It's also paintable, and 1clay block+1coal+1redstone+1water cell(1/4tin)=3 foam-(compressed)> 3 CF pellets=6 sprays of the CF sprayer it seems, and that's 13foam per spray if it can put it all out.  Just some data for those of you crunching numbers and trying to decide what is more cost-effective.

In order to run 1.23, you have to update your MCForge to 1.1.2 or it will not run.

Oh, and when painting the hardened foam I heard Tetris music in the background.  This stuff is pushable with pistons by the way, so those of you who want to be more efficient can instead of trimming off badly placed foam can instead use a piston to push it around.

Minecraft / Re: A fix in sight!
« on: October 30, 2011, 05:56:07 pm »
Does anybody else not understand what the point of construction foam is?

It seems quite heavy of the resource side. I assume its difficult to destory and can be coloured? Thats the only reason I can think that you'd want to bother with the stuff.

But anyways if we think upgrading will stop the server crashes then I am pro upgrading :P

Construction Foam is a cheaper alternative to Reinforced Stone, I think, especially if the sprayer works like I think it does (1 pellet = 13 blocks from the sprayer).  It also uses resources that are otherwise in abundance, exception being the tin required but even then it's better than the tin, copper, and IRON needed for reinforced stone.

As for crashing, first I've gotta figure out how to get 1.23 to work client side, for some reason 1.15 will load but all of my fussing gets me nowhere on making 1.23 work...

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