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Messages - Tyred

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Other Games / Re: Tribal Wars....
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:26:29 pm »
It's unfortunate that this game does not have an end, when you guys have so clearly won the game.

That being said, it is also too bad that RA dropped so hard out of this game. We actually had a pretty good run on W12 as we did, and it was a shame that we all dropped like flies after a while. Oh well.

I hope you are enjoying your pursuits, noshyza. Maybe someday we will do battle together again.

Sidenote: Do you still play GC?

Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Slime tube
« on: December 01, 2009, 07:24:31 pm »
Good job, Gal!

If GPH has not already dispatched her before I get home, I will likely give it a shot. I have plenty of access to +item modifiers, but the trick will be surviving to see the fruits of our (your) labors.

Hopefully with the knowledge we've gained, we can get these things going more often and better. If only I'd been smart enough to prepare El Juan for such a task...


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 26, 2009, 02:38:17 pm »
Can't you gift one?

If not, I apologize. I failz0r.


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 25, 2009, 08:58:29 pm »
Ok, I screwed up and gave GPH one too many an item. GPH, please decide which one you want to part with and give it to Gal. Everything else should be well-accounted for.


Sheer, unadulterated awesomeness.

How many can you get?


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 22, 2009, 01:25:03 pm »
I figure I would go class-specific for him, as well as things that did not require class. Maybe the pitchfork :P.

Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 21, 2009, 07:50:21 pm »
Do we want to distribute loot based on th amount of work put in? I have a spreadsheet that will help with distribution levels for everyone. As it stands, GPH would get 5, Gal would get 4, and Manny would get 3. El Juan would only get Ol' Scratch's hat. All other loot would be distributed to the rest of you. Is everyone fine with that, or would you prefer an even distrubtion other than myself?

If I don't get responses within 3 days, I will distribute based on what I have outlined above.


Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Extinctionist
« on: November 17, 2009, 11:00:53 pm »
Some day I'll get my own ultra-rare... Don't mock me!

Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 17, 2009, 01:11:24 pm »
El Juan needs very little. All I ask is that I get to kill of Ol' Scratch each time to get my goodies. As a sauceror, those are really the only things of worth to me.

In the event we ever get Frosty's arm, then there will be a fight, I'm sure.

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Extinctionist
« on: November 17, 2009, 01:09:28 pm »
I hate you.

Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 16, 2009, 11:17:29 pm »
Congratulations to GPH for taking down Hodgman! And here I thought I was going to get the chance to do it again!

But seriously, congratulations to the whole clan, we got this run done quick! Much appreciation goes out to everyone for getting into the dungeon. Things get more fun when we have more people. And, as we all get more organized and start leveling, we might even have a crack at getting all the way through in one day for some real goodies sooner or later.

But yeah, great teamwork, everyone! This is a first for us!

Someone figure out loot distribution. All I want is the Ash Can.


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 13, 2009, 05:00:01 pm »
I like the idea. El Juan was supposed to be a bot of sorts too, but is more just a character who can provide sauceror buffs and food for exceptionally cheap whenever I actually get on him. Having another multi to do all the accordian theif buffs would be extremely helpful. If you are willing, doing a run with that character as a pastamancer first to perm the +25% MP boost would be good, but not necessary. Otherwise, just powerleveling an accordian thief to a good level could give you something else to do.

Sidenote: Do not put yourself and your multi in a dungeon instance at the same time. That is something the admins are quite adamant about banning on. If it's just a buffing character, that's fine. Use mafia and get into the ballroom and press auto-adventure!

Also, since I haven't been on KoL with El Juan in a few days, how is Hobopolis going? Sounds like Frosty, Ol' Scratch and Chester are all down, at the very least. Anyone else taken a boss down that I haven't seen yet?


Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Brownies
« on: November 08, 2009, 01:32:53 pm »
I've got to say I'm impressed. I've never even come close to that trophy, and really have no desire to do so.

As for other trophy suggestions, the wiki has them all cataloged, but I'd recommend the familiar weight trophies if you haven't already gotten them. Brother Corsican's Blessing will help you with that a good deal.


Kingdom of Loathing / Re: The trunk works now.
« on: November 07, 2009, 09:41:40 pm »
I'll preface what I've said before by saying that while I love my myst classes, the "thumpers" have a lot to be desired, especially with the HP boost they get innately, that's huge.

Now, regarding the massive damage I can do to things (even more massive now that I can have spell criticals!) is due in part to the following:

A navel ring (+100% spell damage)
A chefstaff (+100% spell damage)
An Ankh (+25% spell damage)

And more sauceror potions than you can shake a stick at. Those potions usually get me to about +400% on all my stats, which helps on those giant spells. Undampened by hobo-boss modifiers, when I buff all the way up and get my "Spellmurder" outfit on, I can hit for over 8000.

However, consider the cost I would normally incur for all of that: reagents, scrumdiddlyumptious solutions, fruits and whatnot, I pay a heavy price. But that gets us some good gear, nonetheless.

Anyway, I love me my myst guys.


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: November 04, 2009, 02:38:28 pm »
Welcome to the forums, Manny!

Anyway, regarding all the loot and whatnot, here's how our last run broke down:

We had only three people really able to dungeon-dive: Galeesa, GPH, and me (El Juan). El Juan (my multi) essentially beat every boss except for Chester, because Hamster decided to get a good whack at it. Back then, I (he) was only a level 23 sauceror or so. Now I'm almost Lvl 31 on that, so things were tougher. The loot we got (as little as there was, because I couldn't handle a whole lot) was divided mostly between Galeesa and GPH. I took the sauceror stuff because that is my exclusive character and I will not ascend with El Juan again. So, Ol' Scratch's stuff mostly went to me, and I divided everything else on lines drawn from ascension history. The Hoboverlord gear was divided between Gal and GPH also, with El Jaun getting nothing on that one.

Essentially, El Juan is running the dungeons for fun and profit, as best he (I) can, and dividing most of the loot for everyone else. The sauceror stuff I have a particular want for, since that is my class. The Hoboverlord stuff is REALLY nice, but I wasn't going to be selfish enough to claim hobo stuff for a multi. I just took the crap no one else wanted.

Now that we have four people (three really) runninng the dungeon, things will get a bit more complicated, but I'm sure we can work something out like GPH said. I do agree with your point about "hoarding" items though. But that won't be a problem for a while. We're noobs at this.

Someday, we hope to have enough cash to run these dungeons more often, but they are expensive to start, that is for sure.


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