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Messages - Tyred

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CC General Discussion / The Chaos Cluster
« on: May 01, 2010, 01:55:17 pm »
... is rather lacking in chaos, or anything else, for that matter.

I appreciate and salute Trerro for trying to pull everything together again, making what was once RA a whole, organized community again. Back in the old days, he would have had a whole lot of help, because RA was for a lot of people their social lives. This place started out with ambition and grand ideals, many of which still exist in an ethereal kind of way, but will never exist in a tangible way. It's not that we've lost the drive (although we have), or that we have lost our core (again, we have), but that we have nothing to bring anyone into the fold to really renew this community. That's not to say that we haven't tried (Trerro has, anyway), but that our current methods are not working, period.

Now, this is where I'm supposed to give a well-thought-out speech about how we can renew this place and make it into the RA we once knew. And that is where I will  stray from one formulaic speech into another. I will profess a different option.

Examining in brief the forums themselves, I see that prior to this post, the last one was made over two weeks ago with no responses. There has been a precipitous decline in the rates of posting since December, with a slight uptick in activity when the KoL gang started back up briefly, before being snuffed out once more. The old RA, I think we have all admitted after five years now, is dead. Most of those people have moved on, slipped away, fallen into new places with new friends and moved on with their lives. Our problem is that we will not let the ideal of the old RA die, too. We (at least, most of us) wanted the new CC to be like the old RA, robust and active and everything. But our good intentions and good ideas have found us nothing. This website, as good as it is, will probably never get to the popularity that the old RA had. And it is on that note that I say we abandon this sad project.

RA is dead. CC is dead. There are maybe six people who ever even come on here. I don't even bother logging in most of the time. I have found that, within myself, there is very little that connects me here anymore. I'm sure many other former "die hard" RA members feel the same way. We're not coming back, not as this group, we aren't. RA and CC are dead because none of us has the capabilities to devote our time and energies to this zombie community anymore. I've got a job, a family, work, and other projects to attend to more than I have time to sit down and have meetings for the RA or anything. I don't have the luxury of unlimited Internet access in which to chat and play all the time anymore. I suspect that with our growing age in the community, I am not alone in finding that real life is beckoning with a seductive finger. Our internet lives are fading behind us as we begin to look forward into our new futures in the real world. For the most part.

And that is why I think we have to put the nails in the coffin and let rest the greatness which once was. The RA was once a powerful force in one gaming community, and our steady decline into middle and old age has left us without a following. There will be few mourners when we lay this place to rest. I suggest to anyone reading this that they continue in the mysterious world of the internet, finding new places to interact and call "home" once more. We can still keep in touch as we need to through either IM or E-mail. There are still friends among you that I have treasured and have lost a little contact with. I will regret some of those losses, but I think we can maintain some sense of connection, should we try. And I advocate that we do try to stay connected. But this forum, this medium, is not the way, anymore. It is sad, but true.

RA is dead.
CC is dead, too.

If you want to contact me, you can send off an E-mail to my screen name. It may take me a while to respond, I don't always check that address.

Here's Tyred-Soul, signing off. His soul freed of his tired life, moving on into the world, the real world, with the bright glare of fluorescent lights guiding his way.

I wish you all the very best.


Introductions / Re: G'day All
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:21:43 pm »
My favorite RoT brother is back again. This time for longer, I hope?

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: New content released!
« on: February 20, 2010, 03:20:48 pm »
I've been getting a severe amount of burnout lately. After 51 ascensions, all this stuff still looks cool, but do I really want to do it? Kinda. That's probably the biggest problem that I don't even want to dive into all this.

Really, the problem was NS13. I still hate every quest (except killing Ed) after Level 10. The war quest sucks, and I can't remember all the crap I need to remember for everything else. Too much tracking, too time consuming, too much BS. It's sad that with over a 100 million meat in the bank (and some wrapped up in investments) and everything shiny I could ever want, I still don't have the fire for this game I used to have.

Anyway, cool update, I'll definitely check this out during my long run (Seal Clubber).


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Slime tube
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:24:53 pm »
We've run like... 4 of these now. Gal goes through all the pain and agony, and I clean up the mess at the end with El Juan. I think we've scored a total of 17 alveoli, 8 nodules, and the gear and skill each time too. So, we're not doing too badly.

A few more of these from an uberbuffed El Juan, and maybe we'll open hobopolis again.

This could be a lot cooler if we had more people though...


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: An Awesome Ball Pit
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:22:52 pm »
If only we had some obscenely rich benefactor that would dump 3k a ball for us.

I was really hoping this trader would be around longer than a day, but I guess I don't administrate the game!

Oh well,


Spam Factory & Containment Facility / Re: 10 top song's in your play list
« on: February 05, 2010, 03:20:29 pm »
1420, I never thought we would have much in common, but your top 6 (minus MJ) are all good.

Not having ITunes or any kind of music player other than my stereo, I could only guess at my top ten.


Kingdom of Loathing / Tyred_Soul is officially done!...
« on: December 14, 2009, 11:00:35 pm »
... With Bad Moon! I finished up my Sauceror run just now and it feels SO good to be out!

Softcore, here I come!


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Hobopolis Run?
« on: December 14, 2009, 10:58:55 pm »
I'm usually down for another run, but let's skip over the holidays before we do another. I've got all sorts of people coming through the revolving door at my house this year!


Kingdom of Loathing / Re: crimbo 2009
« on: December 12, 2009, 04:40:47 pm »
Looking at the talk page on the wiki, it sounds like certain predictive elements are true and others are not so true. However, what you ply your hobos with and your customers really is a determining factor.

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: RNG
« on: December 12, 2009, 04:34:54 pm »
On this current bad moon run it took me well over 100 adventures to get all the barrels of gunpowder for the lighthouse sidequest. I got beaten up twice by lobsterfrogmen and got beaten up 7 times by the Zerg Rush adventure. That sucked.

Also, for anyone considering it, Bad Moon as a Myst class is awful. I will be very thankful to escape this loop and go back to softcore.


Kingdom of Loathing / Re: crimbo 2009
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:35:07 pm »
I'll just say right here and now that this clan is not the right makeup to be speculating on mechanics. We have nowhere near the resources of some of the clans in this game for that endeavor.

That being said, my totals for 5 days:

Tyred_Soul     49,823 Meat
El Juan            40,481 Meat

So... I'm not doing too badly for not spading ANYTHING.

Kingdom of Loathing / Re: Suspicious stocking
« on: December 06, 2009, 01:31:05 pm »
1. This familiar does look pretty good, and the fact that you can superlevel it beyond what a normal cocoabo could easily do, makes it potentially very valuable... for a powerlevelled character, or a strictly softcore character. It has benefits at both ranges. For ascension purposes, not so much.

2. You have to ascend to get all the tour guide trophies. You've not done one since NS13, GPH! And even so, this guy may not be the best familiar for an ascension anyway.

3. If you don't yet have a Mr. Store Familiar, I say get one at some point. I love my Goodfella, and I know Gal has got one or two in his storehouse now...


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Slime tube
« on: December 03, 2009, 12:17:34 am »
I won't be needing the skill, and really, anyone who will is an ascender. Currently, I'm the only ascender among us, and I don't yet need it. Once I get out of this Bad Moon kick, I'll see how easy/hard ascending softcore is for a while. I expect awesome things to abound.

Anyway, I have the alveoli, who wants them?


Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Slime tube
« on: December 02, 2009, 04:43:28 pm »
I think the chamisole drops independently to run length (misleading in the wiki?). It will also probably never drop for me as I think you need Torso, and I do not have it.

Also, whoever next wants to beat her, I'll supply potions.

Power of Meep (Clan) / Re: Slime tube
« on: December 02, 2009, 12:26:11 am »
Pardon my language, but MOTHERfarkER!

These were my active effects:

   Insulated Trousers (2)
   Well-Oiled (2)
   Go Get 'Em, Tiger! (2)
   Glittering Eyelashes (2)
   Woad Warrior (7)
   One Very Clear Eye (7)
   Heavy Petting (7)
   Red Door Syndrome (7)
   Supafly (7)
   Spooky Demeanor (7)
   Aspect of the Twinklefairy (7)
   Stenchtastic (7)
   Hot Blooded (7)
   Shamboozled (9)
   Rainbow Bright (9)
   Extreme Muscle Relaxation (9)
   Jalapeño Saucesphere (12)
   Tomato Power (12)
   Gr8tness (12)
   Phorcefullness (12)
   Elemental Saucesphere (12)
   Sugar Rush (12)
   Superhuman Sarcasm (12)
   Jabañero Saucesphere (12)
   Cock of the Walk (14)
   Incredibly Hulking (14)
   Down With Chow (17)
   Bilious (18)
   Grimace (18)
   Empathy (237)
   Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (237)
   Polka of Plenty (237)

   Omphaloskepsis (∞)

Butt-rock hair and extra-mutated were also there, but expired at the end of the turn.

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