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Topics - noshyza

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Been around a while...
« on: January 03, 2012, 04:07:07 pm »
Noshy here - Been with RA since KOC age 3.  I just checked and they are on Age 15!!!  Damn, that makes me feel old(er)...  After Age 4, I moved on to Fall of Empires.  That game has died.  Then it was Tribal Wars where I ended up 10th in World 12. 

Got a message from Tyred on Global Combat (Tantor and I still play it and its probably the only thing I still play) and he reminded me that I don't check in that often anymore and he is right. 

Heard his news about the new addition to the family and it made me realize that I have been around some of you so long, it was a pleasure being a "part" of your growth (moving, traveling, getting married, having kids, etc.).

We've had some fun times.  It was cool seeing all the old nicks as I wandered around the site today.  Viggo (my sabbing mentor), TBA (the sabbing executioner), Trerro (best admin in town), Iggy (wish you would have lasted longer on Tribal Wars), GPH (always up for trying out a new game), Oars (master strategist), Galeesa (our Iraqi Freedom Marine), Aamer (another KOC mentor of mine), Pilz, Bearsus, Bman21212, Cztram, Ice-master, DyCyn (loved the April Fools jokes with Trerro), St0rm_of_Posiedon, Wildchild, etc...

(shhh Zippy's watching)

Thanks for the trip down memory lane as I ring in 2012... 

I hope I was able to bring something to RA table in the many years I was here...

Other Games / Global Combat
« on: July 30, 2010, 01:25:28 pm »
Anyone still playing this game?

Other Games / Tribal Wars....
« on: November 05, 2009, 07:20:41 pm »
Well, since you guys are the ones that got me hooked on this game almost 2 years, I guess its time for an update...

W12 is dominated by the tribe Elite Dynasty.  Most of these members came from the old VIRUS tribe.  I was lucky enough to join these guys a few months ago and now we own over 50% of the villages that are not barbs.   I am ranked 39th in my tribe and 42 overall, which means as soon as those 3 drop below me, I have no other people to attack - unless I want to pick on the little guys....

So - here are the stats...

Tribalwars Player Profile: noshyza
Rank:   42.
Name:   noshyza
Tribe:   DNY
Points:   10,903,373
Villages:   1,089
Average points per village:   10,012
Best Rank:   430  5th November 2009
Most Points:   10,891,0040  5th November 2009
Most Villages:   1,0880  5th November 2009
OD Rank:   58. (32,953,610 score)
OD Attack Rank:   50. (22,867,375 score)
OD Defense Rank:   75. (10,086,235 score)

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