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Topics - iggy

Pages: [1]
Serious Discussions and Debates / Should lobbying be treated as bribing?
« on: November 18, 2011, 05:14:28 pm »
I'm guessing the pizza industry has something to do with (or congress is just a collection of fat clueless retards), but this is pretty sad. I'm sure there's better examples (like for example the SOPA thing to ban the internet etc). Discuss! And if you agree with my point of view than what would you do to solve these problems?

Serious Discussions and Debates / 'insert opinionated title here'
« on: September 22, 2011, 10:32:29 pm »
You are now declared his royal highness of earth and you are given a term of near absolute power (unless you start a genocide etc). How will you use this for humanity's well being? Whats currently wrong/right about the world and what and how can you improve it?

Off Topic / Spreadsheet/database stuff
« on: March 27, 2010, 02:21:08 pm »
Anyone knowledgeable about this kind of stuff knows how it's possible with excell (actually open office because I'm cheap) to use it as a database? I basically just wanna be able to quickly look up some stuff that's too unstructured/long/annoying to scroll through etc etc. I'm not exactly good at this, so help would be appreciated!

Off Topic / The one and only: TV thread
« on: October 17, 2009, 11:47:35 pm »
I know a lot of you evil closet monkeys stream or download all of your stuff these days, but (without posting spoilers) is there any show you're currently watching that you really like and would hence advise anyone else to follow also? So what's your favorite show? Who's your favorite talkshow host? What type of show do you dislike? Chat away :)

Thread Games / Line association
« on: October 11, 2009, 05:15:15 pm »
Word association is a boring game filled with countless pages of repetition... so hoorah for line association! Now with extra flavor.

Example: Person A posts any line (or sentence): "Man, this is really hard."

Person B can answer with: "That's what she said!"

First line is:

I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts.

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