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Topics - oarsof6

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / We are having a baby
« on: December 08, 2009, 05:43:59 am »
No really, my wife and I are pregnant with our first, due in July. If you ever get a chance to see an ultrasound of a 7 week old fetus, it is simply amazing... you can see it's little heart twittering, and it looks like it's holding a balloon (it's the yolk sack coming out of the umbilical cord). Right now, he/she looks something like

Just thought I'd let everyone know before you saw it on Facebook

Serious Discussions and Debates / How to find a job in a tough economy
« on: December 08, 2009, 05:36:24 am »
So everyone here knows that the entire world is in a deep recession, some places are in more of a depression. However, even in the Great Depression, where unemployment reached 24.9% in the US, there were still jobs available in some areas. This is more of a discussion than a debate, so either post your experience in finding a job, or suggestions for those looking. (this is in response to a PM by GPH).

I'll start out with a job suggestion: start a blog. You don't have to be hired by anyone, if your posts are interesting enough and your adds effective enough, you could make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I would steer clear of politics though, write about something that you are good at or knowledgeable about instead.

Introductions / Introduction
« on: October 14, 2009, 06:37:43 pm »
I noticed that nobody introduced themselves yet, and didn't want any new members to feel nervous about making the first post in the section, so here I go...

My name is Oarsof6 (Oars for short), I first joined the RA in age 2 of KOC. Everyone in that age was joining alliances, so I thought I probably should too. As a former Game King, moderator, and Admin, I've been a part of the RA for every up and down (ok, except for the past 12 months). I don't really play online games anymore, mostly because I have a full time job and a wife and all, but it's fun catching up with old friends on the RA.

Feedback & Bug Reports / Replys do not go back to the topic when finished
« on: October 14, 2009, 05:32:13 pm »
I noticed that whenever I reply to a topic, this forum takes me back to the listing of topics, not the post itself. I noticed that under "Additional Options" there was an option to "Return to this topic.", however it is not selected by default. Is there any way to make this a default, so we can go back and see what was actually posted without the forum kicking us out of the topic and making us open the topic again?

CC General Discussion / When will the old archives be up?
« on: October 13, 2009, 10:13:00 pm »
Just wondering if/when we will have access to the old's posts. I know that you want all new posts here, but it would be very nice to be able to reference old posts back on the old RA. Also, will there be any link to the new URL from the old, so old members from there can find us?

Feedback & Bug Reports / Hyperlinks do not underline
« on: October 13, 2009, 08:22:42 pm »
When posting a hyperlink to a URL, the link does not underline, and the text does not change colors, like a hyperlink should.

Pages: [1]