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Messages - Sonya the fox

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Minecraft / Re: IC2 for 1.8.1
« on: October 05, 2011, 08:53:44 am »
When you click on the sound library, it doesn't go to an instructions page of any kind, just straight to a download. There is zero documentation in said file.

I tried to install it, but the game gets stuck on the Mojang splash screen for 2 minutes, then loads, but with no sound.

The official MC forums don't have a thread for the IC2 except for the 1.7.3 version (is this thing even officially out yet)?

I tried looking up the sound mod itself, but the wiki lists it as "Player's SoundFix" which is impossible to Google or search for. The directory name is "Paul's Code", and the only related result for that is post on that guy's site of "Please stop asking me about Minecraft. They used my free sound system, but I'm not involved in that project at all."

Does anyone have a guide on how to install that mod?

Just dump it into the .jar, that's it.  It took me two tries to install the entire IC2, the first time I just dropped everything in one mod at a time, the second time I dropped things in and started minecraft each time, loading a world because that's where the first attempt constantly blew up.


In other news, I managed to rig the beginnings of a portal network.  It still needs a lot of work Nether-side, but if you cross the lake and look for the thing made of stone bricks you should be pleased with my first creation of a portal (not just some obsidian door standing free in the middle of nowhere).  The only other portal on the network beside 'home' is the area I've begun to inhabit and install my machines in, so far just the nuclear reactors (yes, two reactors, 6 chambers each) are operational, the magnetizer is failing so you'll have to climb to the top of the mountain, then walk along the narrow cobblestone bridge (functionality, not aesthetics, at the moment anyway).  I left a solar panel to ensure the chunk remains loaded (seemed to work like that in the past), and there's like 20 heat dispersers and 40ish cooling cells, maybe more cells.  Feel free to use them, just do me a favor and try not to melt anything, I've managed not to do it so far (don't ask me how) so I expect you guys to do the same.  Enjoy, I'm going to bed like I should've five hours ago.

PS: bring your own power storage, materials, everything else.  I also have like 15 reactor plates too, so the two reactors are mostly set for operating tools.  The power storage unit is an MFSU, so you can even bring Lapotron Crystals as well as RE Batteries to collect your power with.

Minecraft / IC2 for 1.8.1
« on: October 04, 2011, 09:37:51 am »
Heads up people, it's hot off the press and hitting the server as I write this.  Over the next few hours the nearby area is a hazard zone as I play with new toys and see how badly I can break the server through legitimate means. (no, not griefing, just bug hunting)

EDIT: The crisis is over, DO NOT PUT NUKES OR REACTORS NEAR ANYTHING.  I was able to nuke my way through two layers of obsidian with just one detonation, and using one layer left a fair amount of damage to the area when it breached.  Reactors are supposed to be even stronger.  WATER DOES NOT SAVE YOU!  Several layers of water and a nuke was not only able to breach the single layer of obsidian 4 blocks away but it actively DESTROYED the water containing it.  DO NOT MAKE NUKES!  KEEP REACTORS AT 30000 feet and away from ANYTHING, even landscape, and behind atleast a layer of obsidian anyway.

Now that the warnings are over, the server is safe to return to, I will be on tomorrow(today for those of you who have to be 'correct' about everything) and have the power to give people their stuff back from previous iterations of the server (since I'm reclaiming mine),  There will be a solar array to siphon power from once I've had time to sleep and not electrocute myself wiring it up, and there will be machines to utilize too.  Teleporters are functional, they do not spontaneously combust for no reason, the electric jetpack works (loses strength with altitude), nothing else has been able to affect obsidian, I think that's all I have to report.  My aim is in my profile if you need me.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 29, 2011, 10:20:58 pm »
On the subject of teleporters being used to make long walks shorter?  Don't.  Swapping between the Nether and overworld could cause all teleporters to spontaneously explode for no reason, and since you need power units (possibly along the lines of an MFSU) directly attached to it (sharing a side), you won't want to have it going boom on you. Recommend we stick to a portal network.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:15:14 am »
Okay, making portals from the nether works, making portals from the overworld just sends you to the first portal made.  Portals from the nether dump you 'close' to a 1:8 ratio in the overworld.  By close I mean coordinates translate 1:8, with 0,0 going to 0,0, but are off by as much as 10 blocks in X or Z, and you're at the mercy of the portal gods for your Y coordinate.

Some data:
Nether Portal   Overworld portal
-18,35,-36      -125,12,-281  <--- first portal
-38,37,-46      -294,31,-378
 21,52, 20       172,38, 156

EDIT: On another note, I hear the server's re-seed is being held off until there are a few members present to make the decision on what seed to use as a group.  Here's my input: I will adapt or terraform a location if I can't find one that doesn't already meet the conditions needed for whatever it is that I decide to build, and I don't know what I'll build until I build it.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:15:48 pm »
What is the Nether:Normal Plane movement ratio, 8:1? If so, even if it's a 2000 square journey, it gets clipped down to 250. Just watch out for fireballs. :P

Just create tunnels, possibly glass if you wanted to be able to see around you, as long as it was a complete enclosure they will not shoot.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:49:59 pm »
IC2 shouldn't require a reset. The rubber trees and IC ores won't appear in existing chunks, but that just means we have to explore further out for it, it'll be the whole "discovering a lost civilization" effect.

Seems like it'll be more than a tad inconvenient for everyones mines to be several days walk (or more) from their houses is my main concern :P Still, I suppose that's what teleporters are for :D

So have a central hub where everyone has a house and a few community projects are. Then people can have teleporters in their house to their mine/secret base and other public teleporters out to more distant community projects. That what you were thinking?

Okay, teleporters are nifty, but lets assume your mine and home are 1000 blocks away from eachother (but I'm sure the distance will be greater).

Quote from: IC2 wiki
Cost to teleport a Player: Distance * (1000 + Inventory + Armor)

Inventory: For each non empty slot add (100 * Current stack size) / Max stack size

Armor: For each equipped armor add 100.

So let's just start with moving materials.  Maybe you wait until you have a ton of stuff before making your trip and go with the equivalent of 15 full stacks, and you carry no tools back and forth.  That's 1000*(1000+1500)=2.5 million EU to send you home, but thankfully only 1mil to send you out if you carry nothing with you.  Double those numbers, though, because in all likelihood your mine will have to be further out.  Oh, what's that?  No power generation at your mine?  No problem, let's just cart energy crystals back and forth.  Add on another 100,000 to 200,000 EU to the trip each way per crystal (same cost for Lapotron Crystals too, they just hold more and require MFSU's on each side).  My point is that Teleporters will be a very expensive alternative.  With luck, though, the Nether Portals will get fixed sometime soon to....I'll finish this thought in a little while, I'm gonna go play around and experiment.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 26, 2011, 05:00:03 am »
I'm not saying we shouldn't restore the stuff, just that we should give people time to explore the new world a bit, and to pick a spot to call home before those of us who played a previous incarnation are already fully teched out.

How about a 48 hour rule, where nothing is /give'd until that time passes, and then everything is restored as needed? That should be sufficient to explore the region around the spawn and camp a spot, without it becoming a huge-ass wait.

For IC stuff, there would be zero difference between this and getting everything back right away, since it's highly unlikely IC2 1.8 server edition will be out by then, and even if it is, we have to give it a week or so to make sure there's no crippling bugs like when they had the "personal chests crash servers" issue.

I agree with this, a fair deal, and to further encourage the 48 hours, think about this: You get allll of your stuff right away (just the non IC stuff even), now what do you do?  You now have three chests sitting by spawn, but the place you're settling at is in the middle of nowhere, long ways away from where you are.  Have fun making those tripssssss.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 26, 2011, 01:07:51 am »
I have to agree with Skeeter, the first IC we had, I had finally hit my 128 solar array mark, and that wasn't through the passive use of the matter generator I was feeding (I used maybe 20 matter to fill a couple of holes, out of 20+ stacks I had built up).  I won't talk about the amount of wheat I had (although I did work for my 9001 wheat for that reason) as that is something I can easily replace when I need it, which in 1.8 isn't as often.

Okay, let me try it a different way, I'm already losing my own train of thought.  The below is a list of the machines I had, in use, on the first Chaos Cluster server:
128 solar panels.  In IC, that's 1280 Refined Iron Ingots (half that for unmacerated ore), 384 redstone, 384 coal (charcoal does not work), 384 glass, 608 copper ingots (half that for unmacerated ores), 394 tin ingots (half that for unmacerated ores), and 1216 wood (logs, not planks) (converted to rubber in an extractor).  The cables to wire it all together, probably another 100 or so cables and 20 switch cables (60 redstone + 20 cables), but that pales in comparison to what it took to acquire the panels.
2 MFSUs.  In IC, that's 16 diamonds, 72 coal (charcoal does not work), 28 iron ingots, 18 tin ingots, 18 copper ingots, and 128 redstone.
2 MFE's.  In IC, that's 4 redstone, 12 cables, 12 tin ingots, and 8 iron ingotes.
2 Matter Generators.  In IC, that's 54 wood, 18 lapis lazuli, 10 glowstone dust, 28 redstone, 64 iron ingots, 30 tin ingots, 45 copper ingots, 72 coal, 12 stone, 6 dirt.
Miner (with 64 diamond tipped pipe).  In IC, that's 8 cobblestone, 8 redstone, 6 tin ingots, 74 iron, 9 copper ingots, 18 wood, 16 diamonds, 2 gold dust, and 1 glowstone dust.
Then of course there's the other smaller things: 2 macerators, compressor, extractor, recycler, crystal charger, and electric furnace.  No, I didn't have a tesla coil, I was going to end up killing myself with it if I ever hooked one up.  For anyone who's made traps and died to them, you know what I'm talking about. (total of 73 iron, 20 redstone, 3 glowstone, some stone, 6 tin, 21 copper, and 48 wood among the misc machines in this paragraph)

Now, that was just the machinery set up and running, in regular use (with the exception of the matter and the recycler, everything got used during a mining trip).  Now lets go into tools, shall we?  In order to power the Miner out in the middle of nowhere, I had to ferry power by paw using energy crystals, made 13 of them because of the extremely long boat ride (600+blocks).  Add 13 diamonds and 104 redstone to our shopping list.
ODE Device for prospecting: 9 cables, 2 redstone, 2 gold dust, 1 glowstone dust, 1 iron ingot.
The signs were being left behind, all 50 of them, where I marked just how well depleted areas were, so nothing added there.
Also used a pair of MFE's to get the power from the crystals to the Miner.  Add 12 tin, 8 iron, 12 cables, and 4 redstone to the list.
EC Manipulator (used to regulate power output of the MFE's here as much as back under the solar array): 9 redstone, 2 glowstone dust, 10 cables, 2 iron, 9 lapis lazuli.

Tools for mining by paw instead of sitting on a Miner watching SciFi shows on Netflix:
Diamond Drill and Chainsaw: 12 iron, 6 tin, 16 cables, 6 redstone, 3 diamonds.
2 BatPacks (better than a ton of batteries): 12 redstone, 28 cables, 38 tin.
10 RE Batteries (Additional power for use with the Mobile Charger, or just power carry): 10 redstone, 20 cables, 30 tin.
Mobile Charger: 10 cables, 2 redstone, 1 iron.

Total shopping list thus far:
Redstone   781
Iron   1551
Tin   552
Copper   797
Wood   1438
Lapis Lazuli   27
Glowstone   17
Diamonds   48
Gold   4
Coal   528
Glass   384
(all cable needs converted to copper/wood(rubber) needs, slight variance may occur in precise calculation)
So, not exactly a light list, is it.  the glass and glowstone are the easiest things on the list, one just needs furnace time while the other is a quick trip in the Nether to mine only a few blocks of Glowstone.  I'd also like to point out this was only the list of things in active use, not the stuff I had stockpiled or was trying to use but didn't have enough iron to use, since iron was the thing I was always out of.

The above is my arguement to "You should just start anew with the world", and it's only the beginning.  I have two more things to add on to this: my chest contents (rough, rounded down), and the machines and chest contents on the last IC world we were in just prior to 1.8.


EDIT 1: Partial recovery from original chaos cluster server: sadly the latest I was able to get, at this time, was 6-2-2011, just prior to the installation of IndustrailCraft.  I can however make certain claims about my stuff based on what's in the chests at that time: diamond pick (worthless in the industrial age but not in our pre-industrial 1.8 world), a few buckets, 1.5 stacks of gunpowder, 3 stacks of bones (personally harvested at a spawner, no traps or devices, just me, my sword, and lots of skeletons.), 1 stack of feathers, 1 stack of string, 1 stack of leather, 6 stacks of coal (I did the arithmetic using the amount of resources I claimed to have used in the first portion of this post vs the vast amount of coal in this chest (14 stacks + 11 pieces)), 2 stacks lapis lazuli (2 stacks + 12 present), 1 stack of wool, a single slimeball?, 56 raw pork, 44 porkchops, 27 raw fish (tell me that was an easy and fast gain).  I can't get any more info from this file.


EDIT 2: Okay, I got into my latest stash from just before the 1.8 update.  6 stacks of tin ingots, 5 stacks copper ingots, 4.5 stacks copper dust,  5 stacks tin dust, 9.5 stacks coal dust, 2.5 stacks rubber, half stack each of glowstone dust and gold dust, 2 stacks flint, 2.5 stacks redstone, 3.25 stacks copper ore, 1.75 stacks tin ore, 2 batpacks, 13 iron ore, 1 stack bones, 1.25 stacks uranium, 4 stacks cables, 38 solar panels, 6 MFE's, 1 MFSU, 1 generator, 1 iron furnace, 1 matter generator.


The point I am attempting to make with these lists is the amount of resource gathering effort I've gone to and the amount of building I've done, the time spent at machines monitoring them keeping them powered feeding the resources through to be processed...I really don't want to have to go through the whole process of gathering and processing AGAIN with the same stuff I've gathered twice before.  I'll put the things together myself and build myself, I just want the stuff to do it with and not have to hunt all over Notch's green half acre (past any explored areas once we finally get IC2 for 1.8, if 1.9 doesn't come first) just to find any of the resources needed to make Mr Coffee, let alone a solar array, a nuclear reactor with all the bells and whistles, an up to date MFSU (resource hungry doesn't begin to cover MFSU or Nuclear Reactor in IC2).

NOTE: this post was being written prior to the post below, despite the edit date.

Minecraft / Re: Are people happy with the current world?
« on: September 25, 2011, 09:03:18 pm »
Okay, here's my thoughts on the matter of reloading the world (at all):
Refreshes the world's resources
New lands to explore
No more craters (for now)

Unless something is manually done about it, everyone loses everything they've collected when a restart happens (I've lost many a work to a server that went the way of the dinosaur entirely)
Creations have to be rebuilt (and unless the above point is rectified, resources regathered to rebuild)

Now, about making a restart on this particular world we have loaded now (as of 9/25/2011 4:48PM EST) I have nothing invested, and in the direction I went there's been almost nothing but an endless forest (good and bad), but nothing overly interesting except someone's underwater tunnel using glass panes that I saw when looking for civilization.  Since this hasn't been up for very long, I'd say not a ton of time has been invested, not a lot to lose on this reset, but I would like to ask that I be able to reclaim some resources from the world before, and when we get IC2 up I'd like atleast a portion of my stuff from our IC server too (machines I'll deconstruct into parts according to old recipes since many of them changed in IC2).  I'm just highly against "Okay, let's reset the world, sorry you have to start from scratch 'again'"  I'm not asking for the whole world, just a chunk of my stuff.

EDIT: as for the world's buildability (this one), I'd say some deforesting would give you the flat land you need, but there aren't really any cliffs or mountains for anyone in need of those

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