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Messages - crisp21

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Tinywarz / Re: Chaos Construx
« on: May 14, 2011, 10:50:34 pm »
Hello all.  Here are my construx thus far:

(NOTE: The "have prereqs" column is a reference to the various mods or other buildings needed to build a specific item.  For example, a Python Heavy tank needs a Hellseeker Turret as a prereq.  A "yes" means I have all of the prereq strux needed to build the unit or building in question.  A "no" means that some of the prereqs are missing.  "n/a" means no prereqs are needed.)

NameComplexityNo.Have Prereqs
Akimo MekaSimple1Yes
Ares MekaAdvanced1Yes
Ballista MekaAdvanced1Yes
Beast MekaIntermediate2No
Behemoth Heavy TankIntermediate2Yes
Bowman MekaSimple1Yes
Brightlance MekaAdvanced2Yes
Calico Utility VehicleSimple2Yes
Cobra Attack HovertankSimple4n/a
Coluber Utility VehicleSimple2n/a
Copperhead HovertankSimple2n/a
Groundhog Light ScoutSimple1n/a
Grunt MekaIntermediate1Yes
Gunslinger MekaSimple2Yes
Hedgehog Utility VehicleSimple1n/a
Howitzer MekaIntermediate2Yes
Jabberwock MekaIntermediate1No
Jaguar Medium TankSimple7n/a
Juggernaut MekaAdvanced1No
Katana MekaAdvanced1Yes
Killfox MekaIntermediate3Yes
Lobber Assault VehicleSimple1n/a
Long-Rifle MekaIntermediate1Yes
Mercat Scout TankSimple4n/a
Minigun MekaSimple2Yes
Panther Light TankSimple1n/a
Pirata MekaAdvanced2Yes
Pitviper HovertankSimple4n/a
Puma Light ScoutSimple2n/a
Python Heavy HovertankIntermediate2Yes
Sai MekaSimple3Yes
Supernova MekaAdvanced4Yes
Takagi MekaSimple3Yes
Tiger Attack TankSimple2n/a
Titan MekaIntermediate2No
Tortoise Scout VehicleIntermediate4Yes
Viper HovertankSimple2n/a
Whirlwind MekaIntermediate1Yes
Witman MekaIntermediate2Yes
Wolfhound MekaSimple5Yes
Wolverine MekaIntermediate2Yes

Mod and building strux to come in later posts.

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