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General Forums => Off Topic => Topic started by: iggy on October 17, 2009, 11:47:35 pm

Title: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: iggy on October 17, 2009, 11:47:35 pm
I know a lot of you evil closet monkeys stream or download all of your stuff these days, but (without posting spoilers) is there any show you're currently watching that you really like and would hence advise anyone else to follow also? So what's your favorite show? Who's your favorite talkshow host? What type of show do you dislike? Chat away :)
Title: Re: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: The_Black_Assalant on October 19, 2009, 03:02:17 pm
OMG son's of anarchy.

Based on a fictonal moter cycle club "out law club" with the leader sam crow,step son jack's whos is trying to take over the club. in the first seseon there was some gun running,a few dead bodys yada yada. now there batteling skin heads trying to take over there town charming. full eps avalable at fx to catch up to where they are now. this show is it for the biker lover or lover of a biker :P or if you just want to stuff be blown up
Title: Re: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: oarsof6 on October 23, 2009, 03:33:36 am
I saw it actually beat out Leno for the 10pm time slot (
Title: Re: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: The_Black_Assalant on October 23, 2009, 03:07:58 pm
 :o  I cant wait for tuesday,the son's are about to do something wild
Title: Re: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: Bearsus on October 23, 2009, 06:11:26 pm
Of course it's a world wide known series, but House M.D. should be pretty much standard on every Downloaded TV-series collection.

Should you share my not-so-recently acquired passion for motorcycles, be sure to find and DL Ewan McGregor's Long Way Round, and Long Way Down, plus Charley Boorman's Race to Dakkar.

And, last but not least, the complete 11 Seasons (and the chapters available from Season 12) of BBC's Top Gear (yeah, I know, they endlessly bash U.S. cars but still...). (Try Torrent)
Title: Re: The one and only: TV thread
Post by: Viggo on October 23, 2009, 11:23:59 pm
I remember awhile back someone saying that Rescue Me was a really good show.  I dont know much about it other than its based around a group of firefighters.  As for me, when I am looking for some comedy I go for "Its always sunny in Philadelphia"  Basically a group of friends decided to create a show about their characters doing silly and stupid things.  They write their own scripts for the most part, and do the acting.  Its on its 5th season on FX and its random and retarded and i think its absolutely funny. 

Along with that, I'll get into TV hosts.  Late night with Conan O'brien was always one of my favorite shows because his humor is what I find funny, more than David Lettermen or Jay Leno.  Conan has a lot of involvement with writing funny skits and was also a writer for Saturday Night Live back in the day.  Now that he's replaced Leno and its now "The Tonight Show with Conan O'brien" I've been watching him more and more.  I feel like he really connects more with the audience when he does his comedy.  Thats just what appeals to me.