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Messages - KhanCipher

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Nexon isn't as bad as they used to be now, actually the insane amount of 7-day free stuff they give on combat arms is actually good guns and equipment... m4a1, m416, p90, light/heavy vests, a pair +3% speed +100% flash protection goggles, along with a lot of other stuff for only spending 3 hours in-game... this is making my $25 m416 cqb perm look like a waste D:

although i'll say that Skaph is bad for 1 reason only, it takes freaking forever to research new tech in the tech trees. I mean I can get the Sega CD attachment for the genesis to load faster than get the tech fully up, and that's not counting the advanced research or the advanced advanced research that takes nearly 24h or more for each one. Now there's like 50+ things that take nearly 24+ hours, and the worst part, you can only have one going at any time per research building. Actually everything in that game seems to take more than 2 hours, because you're waiting for your crap to be researched, waiting for your combat force to attack a enemy base, waiting a hour for 1 unit to be built, wait wait wait wait! That's all you ever seem to do in this game, wait, i want some farking action, not this wait fest. "Real Time Strategy" my ass, i'd rather play C&C 4 or Star Trek Armada 2, both of which are known to the community as the worst sequels to a RTS game series.

and why did i write all that, ugg, damn, maybe i should review some games... xD

Introductions / WAZZUP!!
« on: August 16, 2011, 06:36:00 am »
hai thar.

nuff said.

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